It’s Tuesday again, but it is also recess week for all of us NUS peeps. And that means more quality time spent with our precious beds! Not meeting today, unfortunately. But hey, we still have the internet.
We’d been previously discussing on holding our first major event for this academic year, which is to be our MOVIE SCREENING!! Our screening comes with a message (or maybe even more than 1), but more on that later.
Without further ado, presenting the movie of our screening… *drumroll please* … (had abit too much of the Emmys)
The Cove!
IMDB rating: 8.5/10
Winner of the 82nd Academy Awards (2010) for Best Documentary Feature, amongst many other accolades , documentary film that analyzes and questions Japan’s dolphin hunting culture. The film was made as a call to action to halt mass dolphin kills, change Japanese fishing practices, and to inform and educate the public about the risks, and increasing hazard, of mercury poisoning from dolphin meat.
When: Next Wednesday 6pm~830pm (September 28th)
Where: NUS Central Library Theatrette
ACRES has teamed up with us, and as joint-collaborators, they’ll be coming down to conduct a dialogue session on their current mission and their work to help The World’s Saddest Dolphins.
ACRES will also be setting up a booth for education and to sell some merchandise, so you could help them in their charitable mission to help animals. And hey, who wouldn’t like a cute T-shirt or Badge with a message? 🙂 If you can’t be there, yet still would like to do your part, here’s the ACRES Webstore
NUS PEACE will also be holding a recruitment drive for anyone still interested in our animal welfare course, and to join our lovely dynamic team!
So do come on down, bring your friends, your OG-mates, Tutorial buddies and anyone else! We promise you it’ll be a fun and informative session.
While indeed the direct message of the movie might not as pressing to many of us locally, we believe this is a top choice movie to screen to bring to light the plight of The World’s Saddest Dolphins currently under the grasps of RWS. We’d been previously already promoting the campaign, and we feel the time is ripe to help do our part. And at the very least, open more eyes. So we hope to see you all there!
If you have the time, do watch this really cute and beautiful video on the RWS dolphins that ACRES is trying to help. The song’s really nice as well. 🙂
*All non-nus staffs/students are welcome to join us for the night as well.Please filled up the form @ so that we can properly register you for the entry to Central Library.
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