Life, the Universe, and Everything

A Course Blog for GET1029/GEK1067

Category: Podcast

Podcast Episode #08 Closing Thoughts

Recommendations for readings, movies, etc., your instructor’s sharing about best/worst moments, advice for aspiring philosophy majors, parting words from your instructors, and some more…

Podcast Episode #07

Compatibilism and Semi-Compatibilism. (This was actually recorded much earlier–together with Episode #05. Now finally released.)

Podcast Episode #06

About skepticism (Zhuangzi and otherwise). The article by Julienne Chung that Gabriele can be found here. And the article that Yong Teck passed to Rui Zhe here.

Podcast Episode #05

About the infinite regress. We actually recorded quite a bit more, but the remaining material will likely make up two additional episodes, if I find time to do the editing…

Podcast Episode #04

On the quizzes, with a current student guest!

Podcast Episode #03 (W03)

Podcast Episode #01 (W01)

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