Life, the Universe, and Everything

A Course Blog for GET1029/GEK1067

Month: April 2017

Module Design Survey (AY2016-17, Semester 2) (Complete)

Analysis of results below. A big “thank you” to all who participated. The survey continues with something similar I did last semester (analysis here), which led to a number of changes made for this past semester. By the looks of it, I would say that the changes have generally turned out to be improvements. Once again, I fully expect that your feedback will be helpful to my checking on whether the module is working, and on my thinking about how to further fine-tune the module. The below summarizes the key learning points for the survey short of the final qualitative questions, which I will need to tackle in a separate post. I composed the post not just for you, but also as a way for me to organize my own thinking. I’m also meeting the tutors for a general debrief later. Feel free to send me further comments in response to the below by email if you have a mind to. (Update: Now includes all of the survey.)

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Module Workload Survey (AY2016-17, Semester 2)

Total number of completed responses = 64. Breakdown of results below. A big “thank you” to all who participated.

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