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A Course Blog for GET1029/GEK1067

Category: Exams

Final Exam Brief Explanations (AY2020-21, Semester 1) (MCQ/MRQs only)

This is only for the MCQ/MRQs for now. We are still in the process of scoring the SAQs and will update at the end of this post when that’s done. There are 460 of you so this will take a while…

I will be brief for most of the questions. You will be able to see your submitted quiz in Luminus, but not a gradebook entry. Question 20 updated. The 75th, 50th, and 25th percentile scores, mean and standard deviation are provided, with the most recent AY Semester 1s also listed for comparison:

  • AY2020-2021, Sem 1: quartiles 20, 17, 13; mean 16.76; SD 4.750
  • AY2019-2020, Sem 1: quartiles 17, 15, 12; mean 14.89; SD 4.158
  • AY2018-2019, Sem 1: quartiles 21, 18, 15; mean 17.65; SD 4.638

Update: Note that Question 25 has been voided and everyone will get a mark for it. The summary statistics reflects the new scoring.

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Past Final Exam Debriefs

You can find the debriefs for the last rounds of GET1029 Final Exams taught by me. The exam questions themselves are available from Central Library; though I have them in Luminus Files as well.

Do keep in mind that some of the readings and topics have changed over time, and even for the same topics, some of the definitions were different as well. So don’t be surprised if a few things are not what you expected (to give an example–I didn’t emphasize the epistemological nature of the LPOE in the earlier years).

Just as importantly, I set questions of a very different style compared to my colleague, A/P Mike Pelczar, who rotates the module with me–even though a lot of material overlap between us. Just be warned if you look at the exam scripts from outside the above list.

Final Exam Brief Explanations (AY2019-20, Semester 1)

I will be brief for most of the questions (additions in blue). And, as announced, I won’t be posting the questions since you were allowed to take them out of the exam hall (so please don’t email me to ask for them). The 75th, 50th, and 25th percentile scores are 17, 15, 12, respectively.  Yes, this one turns out to be harder. But please don’t fret–this is where the NUS curve is in your favor. A very few forms had incorrect matriculation numbers, but I was able to figure out all of them and account for all students who took the exam. I expect to finalize all marks by no later than Wednesday/Thursday. Click through to see…

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Final Exam Brief Explanations (AY2018-19, Semester 1)

I will be brief for most of the questions. And, as announced, I won’t be posting the questions since you were allowed to take them out of the exam hall (so please don’t email me to ask for them).

On second thoughts, I will be discarding both Question 3 and Question 21 (see my explanations below). Consequently, the final exam will be upon 28 marks, for 40% of your final grade. (For an explanation of the practice, see this.)

I originally didn’t want to release the percentiles, but since quite a few asked, and I did release them in the past, so here they are. The 75th, 50th, and 25th percentile scores are 20, 17 and 14 (after discarding the two questions). The highest is a full 28 (there’s only one).

A small bunch of students didn’t shade their student numbers properly–but it wasn’t difficult to figure them out by looking up the master list. And a couple of bubble forms were somewhat messy (because the eraser wasn’t able to cleanly rub off a previous answer), so we visually inspected them to make sure. Everyone’s form is accounted for with no further issues.

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Final Exam Brief Explanations (AY2017-18, Semester 1)

I will be brief for most of the questions. And, as announced, I won’t be posting the questions since you were allowed to take them out of the exam hall (so please don’t email me to ask for them).

I will be discarding Question 2 (see my explanation below). Consequently, the final exam will be upon 29 marks, for 40% of your final grade. The highest score was a 27/29. The mean is at 18.06. The 75th, 50th, and 25th percentile scores are 21, 18 and 16 respectively. These are good scores: good job everyone!

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Final Exam Brief Explanations (AY2016-17, Semester 2)

I will be brief for most of the questions and I won’t be posting the questions since you were allowed to take them out of the exam hall. Click through to see…

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Final Exam Brief Explanations (AY2016-17, Semester 1)

I will be brief for most of the questions and I won’t be posting the questions since you were allowed to take them out of the exam hall. Click through to see…

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