Life, the Universe, and Everything

A Course Blog for GET1029/GEK1067

Month: November 2017

Final Exam Brief Explanations (AY2017-18, Semester 1)

I will be brief for most of the questions. And, as announced, I won’t be posting the questions since you were allowed to take them out of the exam hall (so please don’t email me to ask for them).

I will be discarding Question 2 (see my explanation below). Consequently, the final exam will be upon 29 marks, for 40% of your final grade. The highest score was a 27/29. The mean is at 18.06. The 75th, 50th, and 25th percentile scores are 21, 18 and 16 respectively. These are good scores: good job everyone!

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Module Workload Survey (AY2017-18, Semester 1)

Total number of completed responses = 354. Breakdown of results below. (You can see the equivalent survey for the last semester here.)

(Note: The analysis of the qualitative comments still on going.)

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Module Design Survey (AY2017-18, Semester 1)

Analysis of results below. The survey continues with similar efforts in the last two semesters (analysis here), which led to a number of changes to the module, including some that were implemented this semester. One important thing that happened this semester is that N has grown much larger–now with 2% set aside for doing surveys, some 359 students completed the Module Design surveys, a huge boost over previous semesters. This makes the results a lot more robust. This post is not just for you, but also a way for me to organize my own thinking. I’m also meeting the tutors for a general debrief later. Feel free to send me further comments by email or come talk to me directly.

(Note: The analysis of the qualitative comments still on going.)


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Special Project Peer Review Analysis

Update: Now with complete set of data (previously still with 5% not in yet).

I’m in the process of collating your peer review for the Special Project. It’s quite interesting. If I managed to find time, I’ll post some basic analysis. The overall impression reading the comments on group dynamics is that most students had a positive experience with the group–in some cases, even a very positive experience. But there are a few (up to a handful, out of 85 groups) that didn’t quite work out well. The tutors will follow up where necessary. It’s unfortunate, but it’s also hard to guarantee that everything will go swimmingly in a class of 400+.

One comment, however, was disappointing, for a different reason:

…wanted to feedback that the project instructions were unclear. Only a week before the due date was the project requirements released. This resulted in us having to painstakingly cut our 4 min video to 2min…

The time limit for the short video was mentioned on L01 Slide #17–that’s the very first, introduction lecture. In addition, one set of basic instructions for the Special Project was posted on the Course Blog here (last dated 26 September). The Poster linked from there contains all the really essential requirements, deadlines, etc. That post was also linked from early on from IVLE homepage of the module, and Lesson Plan. The more detailed instructions in IVLE Files are more for the submission process.

* * * * *

Some basic analysis of the review results. The number of students who participated in the Peer Review = 374 (85% of enrollment), contributing 1,957 individual peer ratings (for the first question). These are distributed as follows:

  • Rating of 0 = 7 (0.4%)
  • Rating of 1 = 18 (0.9%)
  • Rating of 2 = 49 (2.5%)
  • Rating of 3 = 366 (18.7%)
  • Rating of 4 = 660 (33.7%)
  • Rating of 5 = 857 (43.8%)

The average score is 4.16, and the median is 4.00. First impression from the numericals is that the vast majority of students are quite happy with their group members–77.5% of the ratings are 4s and 5s.

Now, the general impression is also confirmed when we turn to the “further general comments” (the third question). Each response was tagged under three categories–“at least somewhat negative”, “neutral/indifferent”, “generally positive”, and “very positive”. Those who provided no response are tagged as “neutral/indifferent” (makes the bulk of this category). The breakdown of the responses is as follows:

  • Very positive = 101 (27.0% of respondents)
  • Generally positive = 74 (19.8% of respondents)
  • Neutral/indifferent = 184 (49.2% of respondents)
  • At least somewhat negative = 15 (4.0% of respondents)

The “at least somewhat negative” tag was applied liberally–as long as there is some small thing, even if the rest of the comment was positive. The 15 comments in this category came from 12 different groups and they break down as follows:

  • About a non-participating member — 4 (from two different groups)
  • About (perceived) workload distribution issues — 2
  • About lack of communication or synergy, or bossy member — 5
  • About the lack of motivation among members — 2
  • “It was not a really pleasant experience” — 1
  • The project should count for more in the grades — 1

The 74 “generally positive” comments are too many for me to fully sum up, but the recurring themes are about how the group was “cooperative”, “efficient”, and “worked well together”, or that “all members contributed”, so that the overall experience was “generally pleasant”.

The 100 “very positive” comments are also too many for me to fully sum up, but there are recurring themes as well. Respondents speak of how they had much “fun” working on the project together, that the fellow members were “great to work with”, that the overall experience was a “very good” one. Several spoke of how theirs was an “awesome” group, or that this was the “best group project” they’ve been involved in.

For now, the general impression is a positive one–the vast majority of students very probably had at least an okay time with their group, while a strong plurality (46.8%) had a generally positive to very positive time with their group.

* * * * *


(Your tutors and I are picking through the internals more carefully to see if there’s any specific issues we need to investigate further.)

(Watch this space…)

Final Exam Brief Explanations (AY2016-17, Semester 2)

I will be brief for most of the questions and I won’t be posting the questions since you were allowed to take them out of the exam hall. Click through to see…

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Final Exam Brief Explanations (AY2016-17, Semester 1)

I will be brief for most of the questions and I won’t be posting the questions since you were allowed to take them out of the exam hall. Click through to see…

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