Life, the Universe, and Everything

A Course Blog for GET1029/GEK1067

Month: October 2020 (page 2 of 4)

Podcast Episode #06

About skepticism (Zhuangzi and otherwise). The article by Julienne Chung that Gabriele can be found here. And the article that Yong Teck passed to Rui Zhe here.

Quiz 07 Debrief

The best so far. Median of 7 and average of 6.37. Good job! Click through to see… (Update: Some additional material added for Question 7 at the end. Other added material are also marked.)

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W09 Q/A

Update: A couple more came in later and I’ve included them. Look for those with the “[Added]” marker.

Here goes!

Is epistemology descriptive with a prescriptive edge?

A big part of it is prescriptive. Like morality, rationality involves an evaluative dimension–just as there are such things as good or bad, right or wrong with it comes to action, there are also rational or irrational, justified or unjustified, true or false, etc., when it comes to beliefs.

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The Regress Argument Against Knowledge (from the GET1029 Archives)

I wrote the below back when the knowledge topic dealt with the regress argument for justification (the very first semester I took on teaching GET1029, by the way). It also touches on issues relating to how we respond to skepticism. Since a couple of you asked, I’ll make it available here for those interested.

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Paradox of Omnipotence Video

It’s a good recap–the thing is that it also contains quite a bit more than what you absolutely need for the class–so just be warned. (See also the discussion in Mackie 210-212.) (Thanks to a student who found this.)

Quiz 07 Hints

  • Question 4

For the purposes of the question you can treat “nice” vs. “not nice” as a black and white thing, with no degrees of niceness.

  • Question 7

Small edits to statements I and II.

Quiz 06 Debrief

The median dropped back to 5 but not too bad overall. Click through to see…

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W08 Q/A

Here goes.

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Omnipotence and Explosion

Click on image to see Kitty’s reaction upon discovering the Principle of Explosion…

I said a bit about how the idea that God–an omnipotent being–can do the logically impossible is probably not a good idea to accept, whether you are an Atheist attempting to push the Logical Problem of Evil (“Why, your God can’t do that? Not all powerful izzit?”), or a Theist trying to defuse the Logical Problem of Evil. This post expands on that idea and introduces you to a point about logic called the Principle of Explosion.

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Contradiction and Inconsistency (or, the problem with the Logical Problem of Evil)

This is an expansion on the last segment of W08 and the stuff from earlier in the lecture that leads up to it. Since it concerns what many philosophers of religion now perceive to be the critical weakness of the LPOE–prompting them to move to an inductive/evidential rather than a strictly logical formulation of the Problem–it bears a bit of re-emphasizing. (Warning: this is a longish post. I originally wrote it to help students from a previous year who said that they found the material hard to follow. This might not apply to you in this semester. But since I wrote it, might as well.)

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