Singapore Population Health Studies (SPHS)

The Singapore Population Health Studies (SPHS) is a population-based health research initiative at the Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health, National University of Singapore. SPHS aims to

  • investigate the interactions between lifestyle, physiological, genetic and other omics biomarkers and their impact on health and longevity
  • serve as a platform to monitor risk factors in the population and gain insight into determinants of health-related behaviours
  • understand disease etiology in urban Asian settings, and the development of improved preventive and therapeutic measures for Singapore and other Asian populations

SPHS is a collection of seven independent cohorts spanning 20 years. These include

  • Three independent phases of the Multi-Ethnic Cohort (MEC1, MEC2 and MEC3)
  • Diabetic Cohort (DC)
  • Singapore Health Studies (SH2012 and SH2)
  • Community Healthy Study (CHS)

The figure below shows the different cohorts over time. Each row denotes an independent cohort. For example, MEC1_T1 was the baseline between 2004 to 2010. We followed-up the participants from 2011 to 2015 (MEC1_T2). Participants returned for a third visit from 2016 to 2020 (MEC1_T3) and fourth visit (MEC1_T4) beginning 2022.

For each cohort with multiple timepoints of follow-up, we denote the specific timepoint as follows: CohortNameAbbreviation_Tj denotes jth timepoint, for example, MEC1_T1 refers to the first timepoint (baseline) of MEC1.

A tabulation of the variables collected across all studies and timepoints, grouped into sections and subsections, can be downloaded here. A screenshot of the mapping file is shown below.


The cohort names, abbreviations and their period of baseline collection are as follows:

 Cohort Name  Abbreviation  Baseline collection
 Multi-Ethnic Cohort Phase 1  MEC1  2004 – 2010
 Multi-Ethnic Cohort Phase 2  MEC2  2013 – 2015
 Multi-Ethnic Cohort Phase 3  MEC3  2019 – ongoing
 Diabetic Cohort  DC  2004 – 2010
 Singapore Health Study 2012  SH2012  2012 – 2014
 Singapore Health Study 2  SH2  2014 – 2015
 Community Health Study  CHS  2015 – 2016

The maximal sample size described here are based on a data freeze derived on November 2021. For data requests, the eventual sample size will differ based on consent.


Ministry of Health (MOH), Biomedical Research Council (BMRC), National Medical Research Council (NMRC)

National University Health System

National Healthcare Group Polyclinics, SingHealth Polyclinics

NUH Tissue Repository

NUH Referral Laboratory


Assistant Professor CHEN I-Cheng Mark

Professor CHIA Kee Seng

Assistant Professor CHONG Foong-Fong Mary


Associate Professor Jeannette LEE Jen Mai

Professor SAW Seang Mei

Assistant Professor SIM Xueling

Associate Professor Mythily SUBRAMANIAM

Professor TAI E Shyong

Professor TEO Yik Ying

Professor Rob Martinus VAN DAM

Associate Professor VENKATARAMAN Kavita

Associate Professor WEE Hwee Lin

Professor WONG Tien Yin

Dr LIM Su Chi (Senior Consultant, Khoo Teck Phuat Hospital)

Dr TANG Wern Ee (Head, Clinical Research Unit, National Healthcare Group Polyclinics)

Dr Richard CHEN (National Healthcare Group Polyclinics)

Dr SIEW Wei Fong (National Healthcare Group Polyclinics)

Dr Darren SEAH Ee-Jin (National Healthcare Group Polyclinics)

Dr TAN Ngiap Chuan (Director, Research, Singhealth Polyclinics)

Dr KON Yin Chian (Senior Consultant, Tan Tock Seng Hospital)

Dr Eric KHOO Yin Hao (Consultant, National University Hospital)

Dr Adeline TAN Yit Ying (Consultant, Alexandra Hospital)

Dr Ronald LEE Chi Hang (Consultant, National University Hospital)

Associate Professor Reshma MERCHANT (Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore)

Dr LEE Chun Tsu (Senior Resident, National University Hospital)

Assistant Professor Pipin Kojodjojo (Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore)


Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health

National University of Singapore

Tahir Foundation Building

12 Science Drive 2, #11-03

Singapore 117549

Linda Tan

Operations Manager


Josephine Lim

Health Screening Operations Manager


SPHS participants who would like to reschedule their study site visit appointments, please call the SPHS Hotline 6478 9608 (Mon – Fri from 8AM to 5.30PM except on Public Holidays).