Common Organic Reaction Websites

Common Organic Reaction Websites


CovalentInDB (Covalent Inhibitor Database) is the largest web-accessible resource for covalent inhibitors and related targets. The latest version provides the information for 4806 covalent inhibitors and 298 related protein targets collected by comprehensive literature searching. The inhibitors in CovlnDB possess 57 types of reactive warheads, including Michael acceptor, beta lactam, boronic acid, epoxide, halohydrocarbon, etc.


Kinase Inhibitors in Clinical Development .We have just restarted serious activity for Clinical Development stage compounds for chembl, with the first set dusted down being the protein kinases. So, we have updated the data from the usual sources and now have (as of Feb 2010) 244 clinical stage kinase inhibitors. These break down as follows for highest reported clinical phase (however, since many of these inhibitors are for oncology applications, there is a higher fraction than typical of Phase 2 compounds.


The DrugBank database is a unique bioinformatics and cheminformatics resource that combines detailed drug (i.e. chemical, pharmacological and pharmaceutical) data with comprehensive drug target (i.e. sequence, structure, and pathway) information. The database contains 6796 drug entries including 1437 FDA-approved small molecule drugs, 134 FDA-approved biotech (protein/peptide) drugs, 83 nutraceuticals and 5174 experimental drugs. Additionally, 4284 non-redundant protein (i.e. drug target/enzyme/transporter/carrier) sequences are linked to these drug entries. Each DrugCard entry contains more than 150 data fields with half of the information being devoted to drug/chemical data and the other half devoted to drug target or protein data.


Organic Syntheses has provided the chemistry community with annual collections of detailed, reliable, and carefully checked procedures for the synthesis of organic compounds. Some procedures describe practical methods for the preparation of specific compounds of interest, while other procedures illustrate important synthetic methods with general utility. Each procedure is written in considerably more detail as compared to typical experimental procedures in other journals, and each reaction and all characterization data has been carefully “checked” for reproducibility in the laboratory of a member of the Board of Editors.


RSP Amino Acids is a fine chemicals company with core synthetic expertise in creating unique amino acid building blocks and scaffolds. On its website, you   can find many unnatural amino acids (with structures).


      This is highly useful website, including name reactions, protecting groups, recent advances in synthetic organic chemistry and etc.


      A very useful organic chemistry web-page to delve into. You can find a plethora of interesting links relevant to organic chemistry here. 


      This is a collection of classic organic reactions – look here if you want an overview of a named or unnamed reaction.


      A collection of organic chemistry related links – you can try your luck here, if you have not quite found what you are looking for … 


      Al’s Notebook – for those looking for synthetic procedures – very user friendly, but can get advanced.



      Other useful websites for organic chemists


      A comprehensive (and continuously updated) collection of “Click chemistry” papers at the Sharpless group website



Common Procedures

·        TLC Stains (1, 2, 3)

·        Distill Anhydrous solvents

·        Flash Column

·        Slide preparations

·        Slide, spotting and detection-1

·        Slide, spotting and detection-2

·        Slide, spotting and detection-3

·        Slide, spotting and detection-4

·        Quest 210 prtocols

·        Position-Scanning-Mix AA table

·        Peptide Synthesis protocols online

1.     Ninhydrin Test


3.     NovaBiochem

4.     Advance ChemTech

5.     Fmoc Synthesis Peptide Cleavage, purification…

6.     Some Useful CombiChem Protocols

7.     Biotin/Phosphopeptide Synthesis