Grant Information

Study acknowledgement

Note: For publication purpose, here is a suggested acknowledgement section. Please also check in the table below for other grant sources for your studies. 


The authors thank the staff and participants in the [….] for their important contributions.

[….]:Singapore Indian Eye Study -2 (SINDI-2), Singapore Chinese Eye Study-1 (SCES-1), etc

Conflict of interest: None.

Financial Disclosure(s): This study was supported by the Singapore Ministry of Health’s National Medical Research Council (NMRC), Biomedical Research Council (BMRC) according to the grant numbers below:

  • SiMES-1: NMRC/0796/2003
  • SICC-1: BMRC/08/1/35/19/550
  • SiMES-2: NMRC/1249/2010
  • SINDI-2: NMRC/CIRG/1371/2013
  • SCES-2: NMRC/CIRG/1417/2015
  • SiMES-3 pilot studies: SNEC-HREF/ R1402/88/2016

Based on the specific study aim and dataset used, you may refer to the relevant grant numbers listed in the SEED website or consult senior authors.

Role of the Funder/Sponsor: The funding source had no role in the design and conduct of the study; collection, management, analysis, and interpretation of the data; preparation, review, or approval of the manuscript; and decision to submit the manuscript for publication.

Grant Sources

S/N Title Funding body PI Period Grant No.  
1 Novel Retinal Vascular Imaging for Prediction of Stroke Sub-type and Long-term Outcomes after an Acute Ischemic Stroke Event SingHealth Research Foundation (SHF), Singapore, Prof Wong Tien Yin Apr 2008 – Mar 2010 SHF/FG370P/2007 closed
2 Retinal Imaging for Disease Prediction: From Bench to Bedside National Medical Research Council (NMRC), Singapore, Prof Wong Tien Yin Apr 2008- Mar 2014 NMRC/STaR/0003/2008
3 The Singapore Indian Chinese Cohort Eye Study – Elucidating the Epidemiology, Novel Risk Factors, and Impact of Eye Diseases in Asians Biomedical Research Council (BMRC), Singapore, Prof Wong Tien Yin Jun 2008 – May 2012 08/1/35/19/550
4. AGLAIA: Automatic glaucoma diagnosis and its genetic association study through medical image informatics Institute for Infocomm Research (I2R) A*Star, Singapore Prof Wong Tien Yin Mar 2009 – Mar 2013 092 148 0073
5. A study on the automatic detection of age-related macular   degeneration A*STAR, Science and Engineering Institute (SCEI), Singapore, Prof Wong Tien Yin Jan 2011- Dec 2012 102 148 0001
6. Age Related Macular Degeneration in Asian populations – a comparative genetic study between three major Asian ethnic groups [Chinese, Indians and Malays] in Singapore American Health Assistance Foundation (AHAF), USA, Prof Wong Tien Yin Jan 2011- June 2013 M2011068
7. Does Genetic Variation in the CFH region of Age-Related Macular Degeneration patients allow Bacteria to trigger the Disease? Biomedical Research Council (BMRC), Singapore, Prof Wong Tien Yin Apr 2011- Sep 2014 TCR10/1/35/19/671
8. Angle Closure Glaucoma: Novel methods for Imaging, Risk Assessment and Screening Biomedical Research Council (BMRC), Singapore, Prof Aung Tin Apr 2011- Sep 2014 TCR101674D
9. Iris and Choroidal Characteristics in Asian Eyes: Elucidating the Mechanism of Primary Angle Closure Glaucoma National Medical Research Council (NMRC), Singapore, A/Prof Cheng Ching-Yu Nov 2011 – May 2015 NIG11may029
10 Singapore Age-related macular degeneration Genetic Architecture (SAGA) Study: from Population Genomics to Personalized Medicine National Medical Research Council (NMRC), Singapore A/Prof Cheng Ching-Yu May 2012- May 2017 NMRC/CSA/033/2012
11 Applications of Semiparametric Regression Models in Prospective Cohort Studies National Medical Research Council (NMRC), Singapore, A/Prof Li Jialiang Jul 2012 – Jan 2017 CBRG11nov060
12. Automatic Glaucoma Screening through Cup-to-Disc Ratio (CDR) Measurement Biomedical Research Council (BMRC), Singapore, A/Prof Cheng Ching-Yu Aug 2012- Apr 2015 121 148 0007
13. Singapore Diabetic Retinopathy Epidemiology, biomArkers and iMaging (DREAM) program National Medical Research Council (NMRC), Singapore, Prof Wong Tien Yin Oct 2013 – Oct 2018 STaR/0016/2013
14. Vision Funds – Retina, Imaging and Epidemiology DUKE-NUS, Singapore, Prof Wong Tien Yin July 2014 – June 2019 DUKE-NUS/RSF/2014/0001
15. Retinal Microvascular Abnormalities as Predictors of Decline in Kidney Function in the Singapore Indian Eye Study Cohort DUKE-NUS Khoo Mentor Research Award, Dr Charumathi Sabanayagam Feb 2015 – Jan 2018 Duke-NUS-KMRA/2015/0003
16. The Pilot Singapore Malay Eye Study 3 (SiMES-3) – Prospective cohort study of 12-year incidence, risk factors, and impact of major Asian eye diseases Singapore National Eye Centre Health Endowment Funds, Singapore Prof Wong Tien Yin Feb 2017 – Aug 2018 NA
17. Diabetes StudY in Nephropathy And other Microvascular cOmplications National Medical Research Council (NMRC), Singapore Prof Thomas Coffman Apr 2018 – Jun 2023 OFLCG/001/2017
18. The Singapore Epidemiology of Eye Diseases (SEED) Study 3:  Prospective multi-ethnic cohort study of 12-year incidence, risk factors, and impact of major age-related eye diseases National Medical Research Council (NMRC), Singapore Prof Cheng Ching-Yu Aug 2018 – Feb 2023 NMRC/CIRG/1448/2018
19. Translational Asian Age-Related Macular Degeneration Program (TAAP) National Medical Research Council (NMRC), Singapore Prof Gemmy Cheung Aug 2018 – Jul 2024 NMRC/OFLCG/004a/2018 On-going
20. Artificial Intelligence for Functional VIsion Screening Using Retinal Imaging (AVIRI) SingHealth-National Health Innovation Centre, Singapore Asst/Prof Tham Yih Chung Mar 2019 – Sep 2020 AM-NHIC/JMT005/2018 closed
21 Community-based Screening for Pathological Visual Impairment among Elderly Residents using Artificial-Intelligence Integrated Retinal Imaging Research Council (NMRC), Singapore Asst/Prof Tham Yih Chung Sep 2019 – Feb 2023 MOH-000268 closed
22 Advancing precision medicine for cardiovascular disease and diabetes in Asian populations National Medical Research Council (NMRC), Singapore Prof John Chambers Aug 2019 – Jul 2024 MOH-000271-00 On-going
23 Implementation of Community-based Elderly Health Care for Eye and Systemic Diseases Using Automated Screening Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR), Singapore Asst/Prof Tyler Hungtaek Rim Jan 2020 – Jan 2022 A19D1b0095 closed
24 From Machine to Machine – Developing a Deep Learning Algorithm for Quantification of Ocular Traits based on Retinal Photographs SingHealth-National Health Innovation Centre, Singapore Asst/Prof Tyler Hungtaek Rim Apr 2020 – Mar 2021 AM-NHIC/JMT010/2020 closed
25 MARIO : Multimodal AI-Driven Decision Making for Ophthalmology Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR), Singapore Prof Cheng Ching-Yu, Dr Liu Yong Apr 2021 – Mar 2024 A20H4g2141



26 Digital and Precision Community Screening Platform for Ageing Diseases: Vision, Metabolism and Heart Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR), Singapore Prof Cheng Ching-Yu, Dr Xu Xinxing Jun 2021 – May 2025 H20c6a0031
27 Novel AI-driven ageing biomarker based on retinal photos for mortality risk stratification National Medical Research Council (NMRC), Singapore Prof Cheng Ching-Yu Nov 2021 – Apr 2024 MOH-HLCA21Jan-0004
28 Refinement and Prospective Validation of a Deep Learning Algorithm for Detecting Chronic Kidney Disease Using Retinal Images (RetiKid) National Medical Research Council (NMRC), Singapore A/Prof Charumathi Sabanayagam Mar 2022 – Feb 2025 HCSAINV21jun-0001
29 TAckling & Reducing Glaucoma Blindness with Emerging Technologies (TARGET) National Medical Research Council (NMRC), Singapore Prof Aung Tin Jul 2022 – Jul 2027 OFLCG21jun-0014
30 AI-Assisted Visual Impairment Screening Model: Community-based Implementation and Evaluation of Performance, Feasibility and Costs National Medical Research Council (NMRC), Singapore Asst/Prof Tham Yih Chung Oct 2022 – Sep 2025 HCSAINV21nov-0001
31 Transforming Population Eye Health Research (Transformer) Program: From Data and Algorithms to Precision Health National Medical Research Council (NMRC), Singapore Prof Cheng Ching-Yu Apr 2023 – Mar 2028 CSASI22jul-0002
32 Biological mechanisms of the protective effect of statin medication for the treatment of age-related macular degeneration (AMD) SingHealth Duke-NUS Academic Medicine, Singapore Asst/Prof Simon Nusinovici Apr 2023 – Mar 2025 AM/TP071/2023
33 Diabetes StudY in Nephropathy And other Microvascular cOmplications II National Medical Research Council (NMRC), Singapore Prof Thomas Coffman Jul 2023 – Jun 2028 OFLCG22may-0011