Important Notice

  • For all SEED -related studies, once the manuscript is accepted by journal, please submit your final version of paper and dataset to SEED committee for recording purposes.
  • Please view our Publication tab or consult senior SEED authors to avoid making duplicated research proposal.
  • It is recommended to use dm5 variable, which is definition of diabetes status based on American Diabetes Association for our SEED datasets.


  • [11 April 2017] Please note that the Project List (under Publication Related) link is now password-protected (besides the main site’s password). Please contact Ms Chee Miao Li for further information. Tabs that are protected are Project List, Study Information and Grant Information.
  • [20 April 2017] For researchers working on SINDI-2, please kindly note this methodology paper SINDI2 methodology and impact of migration on systemic and eye outcomes that might be helpful for your own studies. Here are the corresponding SINDI-2 Supplementary Tables.


For data requests/ inquiries:

Ms Sangeetha Nagarajah, Assistant Director

Please refer to for data requests.


For statistical analysis and manuscript issues:

Dr Marco Yu Chak Yan, Senior Biostatistician

Ms Chee Miao Li, Biostatistician

Please refer to for manuscript proposal requests.


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