Grant Information

S/N Title Funding Body PI Period Grant No. SERI Grant No.
1 The
Singapore Malay Eye Survey (SIMES)
NMRC Prof Wong Tien Yin 6 Jan 2004 – 31 Jan 2008 NMRC/0796/2003 R341/34/2003 Closed
2 Retinal
Imaging for Disease Prediction: From Bench to Bedside
NMRC Prof Wong Tien Yin 1 Apr 2008 – 31 March
NMRC/STaR/0003/2008 X010
3 Novel
Retinal Geometric Parameters as Biomakers of Cardiometabolic and Retinal
Diseases and Mortality: A Multi-Ethic Population-Based Study
NMRC Prof Wong Tien Yin 30 May 2008 – 30 June
NMRC/1149/2008 R607/28/2008
4 The Singapore Indian Chinese
Cohort Eye Study – Elucidating the Epidemiology, Novel Risk Factors, and
Impact of Eye Diseases in Asians (SICC)
A*STAR BMRC Prof Wong Tien Yin 1 June 2008 – 30 May 2012 08/1/35/19/550 R498/47/2006
6 Genetic
Markers of Retinal Vascular Calibre and Cardiovascular Disease: The Singapore
Malay Eye Study & The Singapore Prospective Study Programme
Wong Tien Yin
1 Jan 2010 – 31 Dec
09/1/35/19/616 R717/01/2010
Ocular Imaging Centre
SHF Prof
Wong Tien Yin
1 July 2010 – 30 June
SHF/10/GMC(1)/010(S) X020
8 The
Singapore Malay Eye Study 2 (SiMES-2) – Prospective Cohort Study of 6-year
incidence, risk factors, and impact of major Asian Eye Diseases
Wong Tien Yin
1 July 2010 – 3 July
NMRC/1249/2010 R760/044/2010
11 Iris
and Choroidal Characteristics in Asian Eyes : Elucidating the Mechanism of
Primary Angle Closure Glaucoma
NMRC A/Prof Cheng Ching-Yu 17
Nov 2011 – 31 May 2015
NMRC/NIG/1069/2012 R866/61/2011
12 Novel
Biomarkers of Kedney and Eye Diseases (Singapore Kidney Eye Study)
NMRC Dr Charumathi
21 May 2012 – 21 May
NMRC/TA/0008/2012 R927/36/2012
15 Singapore
Diabetic Retinopathy, Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Imaging (DREAM) Program
NMRC Prof Wong Tien Yin 23 Oct 2013 – 21 Oct
NMRC/STaR/016/2013 X050 Ongoing
16 The
Singapore India Eye Study 2 (SINDI-2)-Prospective Cohort Study of 6-year
incidence,risk factors & Impact of retinal & other major eye diseases
NMRC Prof Wong Tien Yin 10 Jan 2014 – 31 Jan
NMRC/CIRG/1371/2013 R1100/2/2014
18 The
Pilot Singapore Malay Eye Study 3 (SiMES-3) – Prospective cohort study of
12-year incidence, risk factors, and impact of major Asian eye diseases
SNEC-HREF Prof Wong Tien Yin 3 Feb 2017 – 2 Aug
R1402/88/2016 R1402/88/2016
19 Research
Core 3 – Population Health Platform (Epidemiology Unit)
NMRC-CG A/Prof Cheng Ching-Yu 1
Apr 2013 – 31 May 2017
CG12Aug15 P03A
20 Singapore
Age-related macular degeneration Genetic Architecture (SAGA) Study: from
Population Genomics to Personalized Medicine
NMRC A/Prof Cheng Ching-Yu 20 May 2012 – 20 May
NMRC/CSA/0033/2012 R1184/86/2014
21 The
Singapore Chinese Eye Study 2 (SCES-2): Prospective cohort study of 6-year
incidence, risk factors, and impact of major age-related eye diseases
NMRC A/Prof Cheng Ching-Yu 1
July 2015 – 30 July 2018
NMRC/CIRG/1417/2015 R1219/25/2015
23 Retinal
Microvascular Abnormalities as Predictors of Decline in Kidney Function in
the Singapore Indian Eye Study Cohort
DUKE-NUS Dr Charumathi
1 Feb 2015 – 31 Jan
Duke-NUS-KMRA/2015/0003 R1200/6/2015
25 Research
Core 2 – Imaging Platform
NMRC-CG Prof Wong Tien Yin 1 Apr 2013 – 31 Mar
CG12Aug15 P02B
26 Research
Core 3 – Population Health Platform (Health Services Research Unit)
NMRC-CG Prof Ecosse Lamoureux 1 Apr 2013 – 31 Mar
CG12Aug15 P02B

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