“On Thought Experiments” by Chong-Ming Lim

Graduate Seminar Series: 27 Mar 2012, 3-4pm, Philosophy Resource Room; Speaker: Chong-Ming Lim, MA Student


Thought experiments are frequently used in philosophy, and at many times stand in for arguments. In this presentation, I will examine some specific thought experiments while attempting to construct a suitably general framework that can be used to understand thought experiments. This will hopefully allow the subsequent assessment of their plausibility and efficacy to be carried out.

chong mingAbout the Speaker: Chong-Ming’s primary interests centre on political philosophy and ethics. Currently, he is working on issues pertaining to distributive justice, with particular focus on the process of justification within the contractarian framework. He is also interested in Early Chinese Philosophy and 20th Century Continental philosophy, among others. More on Chong-Ming here.

More information on the Graduate Seminar Series can be found here.