
About the Department of Philosophy

The Department of Philosophy at the National University of Singapore is a thriving community of inquiry composed of people from all over the world. All share a love of philosophy even though we come from diverse backgrounds and have different interests and expertise.

As of Academic Year (AY) 2011, we have 16 full-time tenured or tenure track faculty members, a senior tutor and a teaching assistant.

In addition, there are more than thirty graduate students pursuing the PhD and Masters in philosophy. These form a close-knit group that participate actively in the department’s activities and contribute to the life of the community.

The department endeavors to reestablish and maintain contact with as many alumni as it could trace in the coming years. Over the last few years, several alumni members have been invited to come back to give talks to current philosophy majors.

What is Philosophy?

Philosophy is the study of fundamental issues underlying all knowledge, thought, and action. It is the study of the very ideas that have shaped history and changed societies. These ideas shape the way we see the world and the way we live, influencing every action and decision we make. As such, philosophy deals with many relevant issues in today’s world, like morality, religion, politics, the environment, knowledge and metaphysics.