Yale-NUS College: Philosophy talk by David Pearce

Updates: The talk has been cancelled, as David is unwell and is therefore unable to travel to Singapore.


Is there any intrinsic value in suffering? Can a continuously joyous life be meaningful? Do we have a moral obligation to avoid the preventable suffering experienced by sentient animals of all species? The philosopher David Pearce has investigated these questions and researched extensively the possible means of realizing a world free of suffering: from wire-heading to drug therapy and genetic engineering to the use of computational devises for mind expansion, David has committed himself to answering the question “Why do we, and why should we, suffer?”

Date: Friday, 13 Nov 2015
Time: 4pm – 6pm
Venue: Yale-NUS College, Cendana classroom 18 (RC3-01-04)
Speaker: David Pearce
About the Speaker:

David Pearce is the co-founder of the World Transhumanist Association (now Humanity+), and author of The Hedonistic Imperative. He is also the founding director of BLTC Research, which seeks to elucidate the neural and functional mechanisms responsible for pain and pleasure, as well as the founder of The Abolitionist Project, which seeks to promote public awareness of the possibility and implications of the abolition of suffering in all sentient life.

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