“Defending Supererogation” by Feng Lin (18 Mar)

Supererogation is a concept for a class of acts that goes beyond the call of obligation. There is a view called Anti-supererogation claiming that there is no such act that is both morally good while not obligatory. I will defend supererogation by trying to refute arguments for anti-supererogation, and by showing that some morally good acts “cannot” be obligatory and hence they are supererogatory acts.

Graduate Seminar Series.
Date: Tuesday, 18 Mar 2014
Time: 3 pm – 4 pm
Venue: Philosophy Resource Room (AS3 #05-23)
Speaker: Feng Lin
Moderator: Li Qingyi

About the Speaker:

Feng LinLin Feng’s particular area of research is metaethics, as well as philosophy of language. She is also interested in philosophy of mind, and other topics in Anglo-American philosophy. She has been mainly writing on metaethics, including shame in morality, Darwall’s second-person standpoint and obligation, and Supererogation. Now she is working on faultless disagreement.

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