People Ending Animal Cruelty and Exploitation

Interesting places to volunteer/visit as an animal lover


Do you love animals but can’t have one of your own? Does your busy schedule not allow you to keep a pet? Fret not because in this week’s article, we would be recommending some places you can volunteer at to spend some meaningful time with our furry friends.



  • Action For Singapore Dogs (ASD)


ASD is a non-profit organisation with the mission of improving the welfare of stray and abandoned dogs in Singapore. They would rescue stray dogs and try to find them new homes. Learn more about how you can contribute to their mission here: Action For Singapore Dogs



  • SOSD


SOSD shares a similar mission as ASD, in addition to eliminating cruelty and abandonment of animals. There are many ways you can make a difference, even if you don’t have time you could also donate to their cause! Find out more about how you can help here: SOSD



  • Animal Lovers League (ALL)


ALL cares for an estimate of 700 abandoned dogs and cats. In addition, they feed strays in the neighbourhood. Find out more about their mission and join their cause here: Animal Lovers League



  • Uncle Khoe’s K9


NUS PEACE’s Pawfriends collaborates with Uncle Khoe in volunteering to care for the dogs. Our members would help to walk and bathe the dogs, which is what you can do too! Find out how you can volunteer here: Uncle Khoe’s K9



  • Gentle Paws


A small but strong privately run shelter that houses around 40 dogs. The dogs look forward to walks weekly so they really need volunteers to bring them out. Do pledge a walk with them here: Gentle Paws



  • Mutts & Mittens


Mutts & Mittens takes care of dogs, cats and even bunnies! They believe in doing the best for our furry friends and in believing the good of one another. Join their family here: Mutts & Mittens



  • Cat Welfare Society


The Cat Welfare Society aims to stabilise and reduce the stray cat population in Singapore. Stray cats are common sights in our neighbourhoods and should be given the attention they deserve, if you are a cat lover, there are many ways you can help out with their cause. Do consider joining their cause here: Cat Welfare Society


  • The House Rabbit Society of Singapore (HRSS)


HRSS seeks to raise awareness on rabbits in Singapore. They rescue and foster rabbits as part of their cause with the goal of reducing the number of unwanted rabbits in Singapore. They need various volunteers helping out not only through physical labour but also creative writers, fund raisers etc. If you are interested, do visit their website to see how you can volunteer with them: HRSS

Shelters in Singapore constantly need the help of like-minded animal lovers.

Make a difference today!


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