ReadNUS Issue 23

MAR 2021 | ISSUE 23
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Here’s your reading summary

We know it’s the talk of the town, but what exactly is the Green Economy and how should it impact us? We’ve got some excellent reads in that topic, as well as a bumper of book and cafe reviews in our literary journal.

This Week’s Reads:
The Green Economy

Clicking on the title or book image will link you to the full text.

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Because of the current economic crisis and the perception that sustainability politics cannot be implemented efficiently, politicians have set their hopes on greening the economy. However, there are major problems with the aims and strategies linked to this concept.

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This article draws on current understandings of labour and precarity to examine the geographical contours of an apparent and emerging “eco‐precariat”: a socio‐economically diverse group of labourers that address the volatile demands of an ever‐expanding environmental service‐based economy.

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The inclusive Green Urban Economy approach embodies a challenge to local government leaders and city practitioners to apply existing tools and methods in new ways to develop innovative approaches by engaging economic-environmental considerations and stakeholders in a much more active fashion.

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The essay’s argument is that while there is a tendency for policy makers and scholars to gravitate either to the green growth or degrowth camps, both approaches leave important questions unanswered, notably in terms of explaining our preoccupation with growth.

Literary Journal
We’re launching our very own Literary Journal! Each month, we’ll publish a few articles discussing the trendiest authors, books and reading news. Simply put, Lirra’s Literary Journal is your go-to publication for all things reading.
Rereading Harry Potter

Zi Xin Reviews Deacon King Kong – Deacon King Kong first gained traction after it was recommended by both Obama and Oprah in “Favorite Books of the Year” and Book Club Pick, respectively. Prior to that, not many had taken notice of this gem. Head over to our link here to find out why this book should have gained much more notice when it was first released.

The Space Opera Subgenre

Lirra Visits The Moon – In this second article in our book review series, Bryan brings readers to The Moon, an establishment that describes itself as a bookstore, café and event space highlighting authors and stories historically excluded from the centre of publishing. Read his full review on our website, or head over to The Moon’s Instagram for their latest happenings.

The Space Opera Subgenre

Soo Qing Reviews A Mathematician’s Apology – The world of pure mathematics may seem perplexing and incomprehensible. Yet underlying everything is a basic logic that lends it a unique kind of beauty. Over on our website, Soo Qing reviews G.H Hardy’s timeless essay entitled A Mathematicians Apology where, against the backdrop of a world war, he defends the pursuit of mathematics for its own sake while simultaneously trying to inspire a new generation of mathematicians.

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