This year, NUS Libraries launches two digital humanities projects. These projects are collaborative projects initiated and led by NUS Chinese Library with support from the Digital Humanities Team:
Chinese Clan associations are important nodes in the network of relationships amongst Chinese communities in Singapore. Many Associations were formed to assist early Chinese immigrants since the early 19th century, playing significant roles in the nation’s development and the identities of the communities they serve. This project maps out the distribution of Chinese Clan Associations on a web Geographic Information Systems (GIS) platform. An interactive interface allows users to visualise geographic patterns of dialect clan associations, establishment of clan associations over time, membership sizes of clan associations as well as view indexes of clan associations sorted by kinship, locality, name (Hanyu Pinyin) or year established.
本网站提供关于新加坡华人会馆的信息,不仅包括地缘(乡亲)和血缘(宗亲)会馆的基本信息,如中英文名称、成立年代、会所地址、联络信息、会员人数等,也利用地理信息系统 (Geographic Information Systems, 简称 GIS),提供会馆在新加坡地图中的确实位置,并且有影像提供会馆位置及其周围环境的画面,让使用者能立体地了解会馆。此外,本网站也有多个供研究者参考和使用的索引 (Index), 包括以汉语拼音按所有会馆名称、方言群和地缘 (locality) 会馆名称、姓氏和血缘 (kinship) 会馆名称以及会馆成立年代而编制的索引,以期成为研究者便利的研究工具。
This project presents a collection of mixed media artwork of places of worship by a local artist, Dr Ho Chee Lick from the Department of Chinese Studies in NUS. Plotted on an interactive map with 3D street view, the drawings illustrate Singapore’s multi-religious landscape. For each drawing, we list the names, address, year established, date of sketch as well as relevant literature and websites. An index of drawings has also been compiled.
The first phase (2015) showcases 169 drawings of predominantly Chinese temples and shrines of Buddhism, Taoism, popular religion and sectarian religions from antiquity to contemporary times. In the second phase (2016), we will add 112 drawings which include Islamic mosques, Indian temples, Sikh temples and churches.
本项计划于第一阶段(2015年)主要展示169幅新加坡华人庙宇作品。作品各具特色,涵盖本地佛教、道教及古代至当代的民间宗教信仰的庙宇。2016年,本计划将进入第二阶段,在本网站中加入华人庙宇以外的其他112幅画作,其中包括回教堂、印度庙宇、锡克庙宇以及基督教与天主教教堂 。
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