Are you curious about what librarians in Hon Sui Sen Memorial Library have been doing recently? Let’s take a look at what’s been happening at HSSML Training Room (3rd floor).
This screen looks familiar. It looks like a database interface! Yes, this is a popular business database – Business Source Premier! Students are sitting up and listening attentively. They are eagerly learning how to search for journal articles and company profiles such as for Apple Inc. But, where are our librarians?
There they are! Meet our instructors for this session, Kah Wei and Kash ($$$). Kash is waiting for the students to apply their own searches in the databases taught while Kah Wei is assisting them.
That hand belongs to Kash, one of our friendly librarians who is explaining the function of using truncation in Business Source Premier. In the example above, strateg* retrieves a variation of word such as strategy, strategies, strategic, etc. He then combined “market* strateg*” to bring together the different possible variations on the words market and strategy. Awesome!
The librarians also taught another key business database: Passport (aka. GMID, Euromonitor). In the picture below, Linyu is showing students how to navigate Passport. She pointed out relevant resources derived from one starting point: a “Beer in Singapore”. She also showed company profiles such as a profile on “Asia Pacific Breweries”. Last but not least, she encouraged students to look at consumer lifestyles reports.
Students who attended the session gave great feedback. Many suggested we should continue conducting this tutorial in the future. Thank you for all your comments, MKT1003 students. The Librarians enjoyed their “date” with you!
~Hon Sui Sen Memorial Library