My aunt’s animated face in full color jumped out at me when I flipped through yesterday’s newspapers. “She’s writing again?” Hey, don’t get me wrong – I love my Aunty Poh. She’s the only aunt who appreciates my Mum for who she really is. That is one single quality of her that many do not see. Thanks, Aunty Poh.
No, we do not share similar writing styles. Although, we do like to tell stories (Ok, can you hear that high pitch scream of protest?). We both enjoy observing life as it goes by and we take delight in telling people about the little things that we see, hear, love or hate. She tells it a lot better than I do, of course. She started blogging before I did but she doesn’t quite know that she is doing it. Funny lady.
Anyway, will you please tell them to choose a better photo next time, Aunt?