No man is an island

There’re always the same two things I take away from any event where a big group of people put their heart and soul into. The first is the inside jokes. These are the little things that come about through happenstance, never planned, never scripted. A couple of words or actions that suddenly come to life, […]


Inspired by the writings of Hazel, Samuel, and Jac. “How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.” – A.A. Milne I’ve spent more time on Facebook in the past 72 hours than in the first four months of 2015. It started with the natural interest to see photos in which […]

it’s almost time….

Well, it’s almost here. Tomorrow morning, the 2-day intro, on NUS campus begins and then, bright and early wednesday morning, we take off for Bohol. Mixed feelings. Of course, super excited and looking forward to the course, to initiating a 2nd cohort to environmental fieldwork and seeing everyone in Bohol again. At the same time, somewhat […]

It’s over

It hasn’t really sunk in that this incredible experience is over. Sure, I will still get to read my students’ reflective field diaries and mock grant proposals, but no more living in a huge, raucous group of university students. On one hand, it’s nice to be back in Singapore, to have my little feathered friend […]

A Day of Birdwatching and Tree Planting

We were up really early yesterday at around 4am to go birdwatching at the Rajah Sikatuna Protected Landscape! Armed with our binoculars, we trekked through the dense vegetation and along the rather treacherous Oriole trail. It was difficult spotting birds when we had to keep our eyes peeled to the ground at the same time […]

A hello from Team Mabuti’s HNU students

Hi everyone! The two Holy Name University (HNU) students attached to Team Mabuti – Josef and Ivan – have the following to say of the course so far. “Team Mabuti is really mabuti. In our group, we did a lot of teamwork on all the activities that we did especially on the forest surveys. Even if […]

Fruitful day (:

On the way back to the hotel today, overheard on the bus. N: It was quite a fruitless day today huh… E: No, we had coconut. // So the day began with an insightful seminar by Mr Pat Dugan, the man behind the Assisted Natural Regeneration (ANR) reforestation technique. His comments about sincerity and being […]


Had a lecture on ANR by Mr Pat Dugan today and learnt to press weeds at a site. Though the rain made us unable to do a forest transect, we enjoyed some fresh coconut juice too! Looking forward to the remaining days! – Group 2 (Burol) 🙂