A hello from Team Mabuti’s HNU students

Hi everyone! The two Holy Name University (HNU) students attached to Team Mabuti – Josef and Ivan – have the following to say of the course so far. “Team Mabuti is really mabuti. In our group, we did a lot of teamwork on all the activities that we did especially on the forest surveys. Even if […]

Our Travelogue Is Up!

Hi, it’s Team Mabuti (aka Team 8) again! Today, we have compiled our experiences in a Google Maps Travelouge, with descriptions of the places we have been to for the past few days. At the moment, there are no pictures available for viewing, but we hope to get some up when our Internet connection is […]

DAYS 2 – 3: MPA Activities and Visits to Caves

Hello everybody, this is Group 8 (Team Mabuti!) checking in! Mabuti means “good” in the dialect of Visayas. Over the past two days (14 – 15 May), we have been very busy conducting the survey of coral health in two Marine Protected Areas – the Bingag and Tabalong Marine Sanctuary. During this time, we compared […]