Lab 6: Comments, Part II

The grading for Lab 6 is done. As usual, please email me if the grade is not what you expected or you have any questions about the given remarks.

Disappointingly, many of you throw away precious points, just like that, by not following instructions on how to name files and the length of pages.

Many of you also did not explain the graphs, but merely describe what the graph looks like in words. Describing pictures is easy — given the graphs, anyone can describe what it looks like without know what is RR or MLFQ. The lab question specifically ask you to explain (i) and (ii). If you describe the graphs rather than explaining them, you would loose two points.

Here are the key points to mention:

  1. Turnaround/waiting time increases as number of CPU bound jobs increases. WHY: CPU bound jobs spend more time computing than blocking for I/O — so CPU is kept busy, queues are longer, jobs take longer time to complete.
  2. Response time increases slowly as number of CPU bound jobs increases. WHY: response time matters more for I/O jobs — so increasing the number of CPU jobs has little effect.
  3. The increment is more for RR than MLFQ. WHY: there is no differentiation between I/O-bound jobs and CPU-bound jobs in RR. So I/O bound job would have to wait behind more CPU-bound jobs if percentage of CPU-bound job increases. MLFQ gives priority to I/O bound jobs, which tends to stay at high priority while CPU-bound jobs get lower priority. More CPU-bound jobs do not have significant effect on the I/O-bound jobs.
  4. MLFQ has smaller turnaround/waiting time than RR. WHY: MLFQ approximates the behavior of shortest job first, so short jobs finish faster — leading to smaller turnaround/waiting time.
  5. MLFQ and RR have almost the same turnaround/waiting time at 10% and 90%. WHY: When most jobs are I/O-bound or CPU-bound, the jobs fall into the same queue in MLFQ.
  6. MLFQ has much lower response time than RR. WHY: MLFQ gives priority to I/O jobs.