19 November 2011
By request, here are the exam questions for discussion online.
19 November 2011
By request, here are the exam questions for discussion online.
The number of comments discussing the past year questions hit a record of 100 today. I thought it would be useful to summarize the confusing points from the discussion in a post here.
If you are creating new threads, please start your discussion here.
The comments on the other post is getting too long and confusing.
I have set and submitted the final exam questions for CS2106, so it is now safe to have this fun exercise: what exam questions would you set for CS2106 final exam?
Thinking about this question would help you reflect upon your own knowledge and understanding of the materials. For instance, if you put the emphasis on the right concepts, if you can synthesize new knowledge based on what you learned, etc.
An added benefit is that your peers would also be able to test how much they learned by answering your question.
I last taught CS2106 in Semester 1 of AY 2010/11, and here is the final exam paper from that semester. Enjoy.