News & Reports
in TV, Newspapers, Journals & 


Highlighted by
FoS, NUS Research News: Artificial photosynthesis to produce hydrogen peroxide
FoS, NUS on X
Nanowerk News: Artificial photosynthesis to produce hydrogen peroxide
Physical.ORG: New photocatalytic COFs mimic photosynthesis for H₂O₂ production
Bioengineer.Org: Artificial photosynthesis to produce hydrogen peroxide
ScienMag: Artificial photosynthesis to produce hydrogen peroxide
Technology News: News Material Mimics Photosynthesis

Highlighted by
bilibili: https://www.bilibili.com/read/cv33863039/
X-mol: https://www.x-mol.com/news/884864
Weixin: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/7qBT2dAICsmRLwW5Ln7qwA

Highlighted by
ScienceNet.CN: https://paper.sciencenet.cn/htmlpaper/2024/2/202421512131946095432.shtm
X-MOL: https://www.x-mol.com/paper/1757449537794576384
ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/378182086
Tweet@COF_Paper: https://twitter.com/COF_papers/status/1757368223387767228
XIAO KE HUA XUE (WeChat Public Account): https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/6tttcwUQM4d25KU1sjGeJg
CUI HUA JI (WeChat Public Account): https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/PSn_5OMIiki81xnZtYbcsg
NA MI REN (WeChat Public Account): https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/HRGs3ldUwJWhqGfao7hKhQ
FoS, NUS: https://www.science.nus.edu.sg/blog/2024/02/28/photosynthesis-with-water-and-air/
X: https://twitter.com/ResearchFoS/status/1762719939729981599
EurekAlert: https://www.eurekalert.org/news-releases/1035910
Science Daily: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2024/02/240228115357.htm
Phys.Org: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41929-023-01102-3/metrics
My Droll: https://mydroll.com/researchers-develop-novel-method-to-photosynthesize-hydrogen-peroxide-using-water-and-air/
Verve Times: https://vervetimes.com/new-method-developed-by-researchers-generates-hydrogen-peroxide-from-water-and-air-through-photosynthesis/
Newscontinue: https://newscontinue.com/researchers-develop-novel-method-to-photosynthesize-hydrogen-peroxide-using-water-and-air/
Swift Telecast: https://swifttelecast.com/researchers-develop-novel-method-to-photosynthesize-hydrogen-peroxide-using-water-and-air/

Azom.Com: https://www.azom.com/news.aspx?newsID=62625
Technology Networks: https://www.technologynetworks.com/tn/news/new-catalyst-can-photosynthesise-hydrogen-peroxide-using-just-water-and-air-384375

Highlighted by
X-MOL: https://www.x-mol.com/news/874583
Zhihu: https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/672975302
COF Cui Hua Zai Xian: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/7Hn48t-NBDRaZTWDdGCc2Q
COFs Qian Yan: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/5NCTowmLETVTsnmq2_33Ew
MOFs Zai Xian: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/F900OZ2Npa0KNMNJyoI71w
ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/376045112
WEI BO: https://weibo.com/ttarticle/p/show?id=2309404980226454061129

January 20, 2022, Highlighted in phys.org; https://phys.org/news/2022-01-clusters-hydrophobic-crystalline-porous-covalent.html

January 20, 2022, Highlighted in Flipboard; https://flipboard.com/@science_x/phys.org-ti3o1bi9z/-/a-x-AC8aNJQgeJcerWvfVngQ%3Aa%3A2530880263-%2F0

January 20, 2022, Highlighted in Newsbreak; https://www.newsbreak.com/news/2440024493479/water-cluster-in-hydrophobic-crystalline-porous-covalent-organic-frameworks

January 19, 2022, Highlighted in Research News; FoS@NUS “Water clusters in hydrophobic crystalline porous covalent organic frameworks

November 19, 2021, Highlighted in ChemistryCommunity; https://chemistrycommunity.nature.com/

September 05, 2021, Highlighted by ChemistryViews “Covalent Organic Frameworks Light UP“.

July 06, 2021, Highlighted by AlphaGalileo “Tiny Tweaks to Sparkle: Editing Light-Emitting Organic Molecules Via Surface Modification“.

November 16, 2020 Donglin Jiang answers questions about 15 years of research on covalent organic frameworksThe interview was conducted by Senior Editor Dr. Johannes Kreutzer

October 9, 2019 Highlighted by Phys. Org. Photocatalytic hydrogen production from water”

October 20, 2017 Kanazawa Television (金沢テレビ放送)

October 13, 2016 Highlighted in Natureaisa Website

August 3, 2016 日刊工業新聞 

July 28, 2016 北国新聞

July 27, 2016 Press Release by JAIST

May 11, 2016 日刊工業新聞

April 29,2016 北国新聞

April 29, 2016 科学新聞

April 28, 2016 Press Release by JAIST

April 15, 2016 北国新聞

April 5, 2016, Press Release by JAIST

November, 2015 Highlighted by Synfacts, 1269, 11, 2015 “Persistent COF: A Stable Platform for Asymmetric Organocatalysisby Timothy M. Swage, Lily Chen

October 6, 2015 Highlighted by Phys. Org.

September 28, 2015 Highlighted by Chemeurope.Com.

September 25, 2015, Highlighted by EurekAlert&AAAS “Exploration of stable, crystalline, porous covalent organic frameworks”

September 25, 2015, press release by IMS

September 22,Highlighted by Chemistry World Firming COFs up takes Michael reaction catalysis forward”, by ANDY EXTANCE

Jan 28, 2014, Highlighted by Synfacts

January 2014, Nature Publishing Group Japanese Website

December 9, 2013, 日刊工業新聞

December 6, 2013, 科学新聞

December 2, 2013,Nanotech Japan

November 15, 2013, Press Release by IMS

Jan 28, 2013, 日刊工業新聞

Jan 23, 2013, Press Release by IMS

May 24, 2012, 科学新聞 

May 17, 2012, 日経産業新聞 

May 14, 2012, 環境ビジネス

May 14, 2012, 日刊工業新聞 

May 11, 2012, Press Release by JST and IMS

December 19, 2011, ACS Noteworthy Chemistry Switch on Luminescence by Locking Molecular Rotors”

December 2, 2011, 科学新聞

November 30, 2011, 日刊工業新聞 

November 28, 2011, Nanotech Japan

November 25, 2011, フランス大使館メルマガ

November 24, 2011, 日経産業新聞 

November 21, 2011, 日刊工業新聞 

November 17, 2011, 日経バイオテクonline

November 16, 2011, 化学工業日報 

November, Nature Publishing Group Japanese Website

November 16, 2011, Press Release by IMS and JST

September 20, 2011, DIME 

September 15, 2011, DWV-Mitteilungen

September 12, 2011, Chemical & Engineering News,Volume 89 Issue 37 | p. 21 | Concentrates “Framework Compound Conducts Electrons – Availability of p-type and n-type conductors may drive these crystalline materials toward electronic applications”

September 6, 2011, Nature Nanotechnology “porous polymer charged up”

September 1, 2011, SpectroscopyNOW

August 23, 2011, Physorg.com

August 22, 2011, Green Car Congress

August 22, 2011, Nano Werk

August 12, 2011, ACIE VIP

August 1, 2011, 日刊工業新聞

July 29, 2011, 科学新聞

July 5, 2010, NPG Asia Materials Highlights

June 28, 2010, ACS Noteworthy Chemistry 

May 19, 2010, JACS Cover Page

June 7, 2010, 科学新聞

May 22, 2010, 中日新聞

October 13, 2008, Chemical & Engineering News “Covalent Conducting Belts “ 

September 30, 2008, ACIE VIP, ACIE Frontier Species