We Have Moved!

In October 2011, Medical Library wrote a blog post before moving to new premises.

We are glad to announce that we have successfully moved to level 5 of the Centre for Translational Medicine (M6). Here are two photos capturing the the move:

The new Medical Library consists mainly of the book collection, reading area, two small discussion rooms, a 30-seat training room and a main discussion room with movable furniture.

We officially opened our doors on 19 December with the collections properly shelved and services resumed. Within minutes of our opening, excited students started streaming into the new library, even though it was still semester break! Here are some of the early birds who visited us on our opening day:



Reading Area Opens 24/7

Since 9 January this year, our main reading area is open 24 hours daily for NUS staff and students only. During library closing time, all users are required to take their belongings and exit via the library’s main entrance, then re-enter the reading area through the card access door. This allows our library staff to re-open the reading area on time.

After normal library operation hours, staff  and students are required to tap their NUS staff or student cards on the card readers at the side glass door when entering and exiting. When the library is open, all users enter and exit via the main entrance.

Do drop by the new Medical Library if you have not done so! By the way, we are having a Newbie Special on our Foursquare page. First time check-ins will be able to unlock the specials and claim a little gift from us. For more details, please refer to our Facebook page. See you around!

Chew Shu Wen
Medical Library

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