Medical Library: Renewed

Centre for Translational MedicineWhen Medical Library moved out of MD6 in 2007 for the impending demolition of the building, many students, staff and alumni were saddened by the loss of a place which held many fond memories for them.

Since then, Medical Library has been co-locating with Science Library at S6. Meanwhile, MD6 was demolished and rebuilt into the Centre For Translational Medicine (see photo). Come mid-December 2011, Medical Library will move back to MD6 to occupy the 5th floor. The library office will be on the 6th floor.

The library at MD6 will be where its primary users are, with services and facilities being more accessible to the Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, Faculty of Dentistry and Alice Lee Centre for Nursing Studies.

Faculty, staff and students will no longer have to trudge up the hill towards S6. Reading areas will be more comfortable. There will also be a café conveniently located on the ground floor to cater to users in need of a bite.

In the meantime, stay tuned for more news and developments!

Jonathan Pradubsook
Medical Library

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