This page provides you with options for remote teaching in a variety of scenarios. The information shows you how to combine a variety of strategies for online learning to accomplish your teaching goals. Each scenario provides ideas for ways to use particular teaching technologies to help enhance the learning environment, as well as considerations to make the experience run more smoothly for you and your students.

Scenario 1: Synchronous Approach

Scenario 1: Synchronous Approach

If you want to present lecture, tutorials or seminars synchronously, the following order will be useful for you to consider:

  1. Provide a module roadmap using LumiNUS Learning flow
  2. Communicate information on live lecture through LumiNUS announcements
  3. Deliver your live online lectures or tutorials via Zoom or Microsoft Teams. During the live session, you can use any of the following to support interaction and student engagement:
  4. Collect homework assignments before or after the live sessions using LumiNUS Files


  • Set up a dry run to test and practice your set-up for the first time
  • Turn off notifications from your other applications (e.g., Email) during your lecture
  • Establish participation and etiquette guidelines
  • Turn off your camera to save bandwidth, whenever necessary
  • Record your lecture to make it available later for students to review
  • Assign tech-savvy students to provide technical support
  • Have a backup plan in case the technology fails

Scenario 2: Combination of Asynchronous and Synchronous modes

Scenario 2: Combination of Asynchronous and Synchronous

For a combination of asynchronous and synchronous approach a recorded lecture, a tutorial using break out room with a weekly online quiz. To take this approach, the following order will be useful:

  1. Record video lectures or audio podcasts
  2. Provide a module roadmap using LumiNUS Learning flow.
  3. Check students’ readiness on the topic covered in your video lectures before the live sessions
  4. Communicate information on live lecture through LumiNUS announcements
  5. Deliver your live online lectures or tutorials via Zoom or Microsoft Teams. During the live session, you can use any of the following to support interaction and student engagement:
  6. Administer online quizzes or collect homework assignments (using LumiNUS Files) before or after the live sessions


  • Prepare a script or a detailed outline before you start recording your lecture
  • Make your presentation slides of the recorded lecture available for download
  • Establish participation and etiquette guidelines for the live lecture
  • Communicate expectations and share information on learning activities that will follow (e.g., posting to discussions)
  • Make sure everyone gets to voice their thoughts and opinions and that no one person dominates the conversation.

Scenario 3: Asynchronous Approach

Scenario 3: Asynchronous Approach

If you want to present lecture, tutorials or seminars in an asynchronous mode, the following order will be useful for you to consider:

  1. Record video lectures or audio podcasts
  2. Post course materials in LumiNUS
  3. Provide a module roadmap using LumiNUS Learning flow
  4. Check students’ understanding on the topic covered in your video lectures
  5. Get students to discuss their ideas, experiences, or resources
  6. Collect homework assignments using LumiNUS Files


  • Prepare a script or a detailed outline before you start recording your lecture
  • Turn on your camera for a personal touch
  • Make your presentation slides available for download
  • Communicate expectations for viewing the lecture and share information on learning activities that will follow (e.g., posting to discussions)

Scenario 4: Hybrid Approach

Scenario 4: Hybrid Approach

If you want to present lecture material synchronously and at the same time hold your face-to-face class with students, you could try the following:

  1. Get ready for your face-to-face class in your assigned seminar room or lecture theater.
  2. Deliver your live online lectures or tutorials via Zoom or Microsoft Teams
  3. Assign collaborative work to get students to work together on OneNote, NUS wikis or Google Docs


  • Consider using two devices, one that focuses on your web camera, and the other to record what you write on the visualiser
  • Communicate expectations clearly on how students in the face-to-face class and the online class participate.

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Blog.nus accounts will move to SSO login, tentatively before the start of AY24/25 Sem 2. Once implemented, only current NUS staff and students will be able to log in to Blog.nus. Public blogs remain readable to non-logged in users. (More information.)