Deliver Content→ Share Content→ Disseminate content
You can disseminate the teaching materials that you have developed online via LumiNUS, the Web lecture portal and/or YouTube. This post will focus on content dissemination using LumiNUS.
Present basic module information
Instructors can use LumiNUS/Microsoft Teams to present basic module information.
- Create a module in LumiNUS to include detailed module description – Synopsis, Learning outcomes, pre-requisites, Teaching modes, Schedule, Syllabus, Practical work, and Assessment modes/policies [use LumiNUS Module description]
- Provide a road map of what your students need to learn and how it will be done effectively before, during and after the face-to-face class time [use LumiNUS Learning Flow]
- Provide quick access to reading lists, downloadable resources, and/or other information sources that will support students’ independent learning [use LumiNUS Files or Microsoft Teams Files]
- Provide links to external websites, resources and online tools [use LumiNUS Weblinks]
Distribute module materials (handouts, notes, assignment tasks)
Instructors can use LumiNUS/Microsoft Teams to provide module materials and resources for use as a preparation for upcoming class or as a follow-up to any class.
- Upload module syllabus presentation slides, handouts, notes, assignments, worksheets, and readings before or after class, as appropriate. Scan and upload documents or articles for assigned readings while adhering to NUS copyright policies. You can also upload practice tests and online quizzes. Do organise the files to improve structure, navigation, and usability [use LumiNUS Files or Microsoft Teams Files]
Distribute enhanced digital materials
Instructors can use other computer applications to improve and enhance digital materials.
- Add multimedia elements such as images, infographics, audio podcasts, video lectures, screencasts, mindmap etc.
[use LumiNUS Multimedia/Web lctures] - Create Question Banks to create assessment questions, quizzes or enhanced MCQs) [use LumiNUS Content Banks]
Developing instructional content
Instructional content developed by teachers help students to achieve stated learning outcomes. When designing instructional materials for the module and topic, we suggest teachers consider the following:
- Explain clearly the purpose of each piece of instructional material and how the materials are to be used for learning activities;
- Appropriately cite the instructional materials used;
- Provide current instructional materials in order to represent up-to-date thinking and practice in the discipline;
- Present a variety of relevant instructional materials that may include e-textbooks, short video clips, publications, instructor-created resources, websites and other forms of online resources; and,
- Explain the distinction between required and optional instructional materials.