Why cats behave the way they do around catnips
“Cat getting high from catnip,” by Aaron Rift. YouTube, 20 April 2009. URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KvsFJQt8MIM (accessed on 4 Apr 2013) The above video shows how a cat react after being exposed to a toy sprayed with catnip. The reactions shown…

Pre-Birthdays. meow~
Pre-Birthday. meow~ Ever heard cats screaming in the middle of the night? It might be coming from a mating female. In today’s post that I am going to share about, the main…

I love my cat, but does she love me?
When I wanted to get a pet, many told me to get a dog (Canis familiaris). Get a poodle, people said. Or a maltese? How about a husky? When I said I wanted a cat (Felis catus), friends were appalled….
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