For an Orangutan, does age matter?
The male Sumatran Orangutans, Pongo pygmaeus abelli, are able to delay puberty for up to ten years in order to…

Escaping predators that have a taste for the exotic
The European Hedgehog, Erinaceus europaeus, is covered with a thorny coat of spines on its back. An adult hedgehog can have up to 7,000 spines! When threatened, the hedgehog curls up into a tight ball where its spines serve as…
Parenting 101 for Burying Beetles: Raising Kids in a Corpse
Morbid as it sounds, burying beetles (Genus: Nicrophorus) put carcasses to good use. From the video, the beetles bring the dead animal body back to its burrow. The dead body becomes a “nursery” and the narrator calls this a “home…

“I’m not dead!” Opossum plays possum.
Perhaps you have been told that, when facing a bear, it is best to pretend to be dead so that the bear loses interest in you. To do that, you have to remain really still and have very little…
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