Have you ever seen black and white wolves hunt in the sea?
Wolves of the sea – Killer Whale/Orca (Orcinus orca) It has been noted that in regions of ice, orcas (Orcinus orca) were observed to spyhop for seals and sometimes hit the ice from below to knock pinnipeds or penguins (Spheniscidae)…
Hey my brother, you look tasty!
Cannibalism is the act of any animal consuming members of its own species. I am particularly fascinated by the siblicide that takes place in the womb of a pregnant sand tiger shark (Carcharias taurus) where even before the pup is born,…

Rise From The Grave
For those living on the East Coast of the United States, you have been warned. Sometime between mid-April to late May, millions of creatures will be invading your communities and homes. Yes, that’s right. MILLIONS. The Brood II cicadas, Magicicada…

Eavesdropping: a BAT behaviour?
Bats,Nycatalus noctula, are nocturnal creatures that live in complex environments. These bats have a wide Palaearctic spread and can found in many places, with Malaysia being the location closest to us. (Csorba et. al, 2008) The bats are capable of…

Shedding Crocodile Tears
When someone feigns sadness, they “shed crocodile tears” – a phrase that comes from an old myth that crocodiles cry while eating. Do these scary-looking reptiles actually cry when they feed? Studies have shown that crocodiles, scientifically known as Crocodylidae,…
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