Who Killed Libra?! – Post-Game Commentary & Announcement of Prize Winners

TEL Imaginarium’s first ever mystery game competition has come to an end. A total of 28 teams participated from 3 to 28 Feb 2020. Armed with their thinking caps and all sorts of quirky personalities, competition was tough but we are heartened to know that many of the participants and the TEL Imaginarium team themselves enjoyed the whole process.

What is this game about and for who?

The TEL Imaginarium team first conceived the idea of a mystery murder game after they played a series of such games. To bring the potential of immersive tech closer to the NUS community, the game was designed to include AR/VR elements, let the participants have some fun playing and using logical deduction skills, and to showcase what the TEL Imaginarium team has amassed since opening its doors on 19 Oct 2018.








The murder mystery plot was as such: 4 friends of a university club join a hackathon to win a coveted internship opportunity at Gogole. Through the process, blood was shed, Libra was found dead. Amongst the three survivors where each claims their innocence, can the detectives discern who is telling a lie? This game was only open to the NUS community, where participants were free to form their own groups of up to 6 persons.

Who are the winners, how did they win?

The top three goes to:





  • USPlanktons – 170/180 points Time: 49:17
  • Autoph – 170/180 points Time: 52:34
  • gummybear – 155/180 points

Great detective work peeps!


Interesting groups, we love them so much we have decided to give special prizes to them!

All the groups did well and their enthusiasm was beyond expectations that the TEL Imaginarium team decided to give special prizes to share the joy with more teams. 7 special prizes (7 because Libra is the 7th horoscope) were prepared.

  • Best pose – shuijiao
  • Most Helpful – ShadowFaith
    • Started to help us clean up the place after the game ended, wiping a whiteboard clean before we could stop them (m(_ _)m)
  • Math Whiz – wltan
    • Figured out the Mathematical Fortunes the fastest (3 mins!)

    • via GIPHY
  • Top Presenter – loolin99
    • Gave us a presentation of the events leading to the murder together with notes (in point form!)

      via GIPHY
  • Dark Horse – Devangini
    • Finished the 2nd part of the case within 5 mins (how is this even possible?!)

    • via GIPHY
  • Most Sporting – troubledpear
    • According to Murphy’s Law, “whatever can go wrong, will go wrong”. This team went on with the game even though our systems were mostly down.
  • Most Imaginative – closed_alligatorgar
    • Came up with explanations for many points in the game – “It’s an anchor tattoo, maybe he is the son of a fisherman.” (really?!)

What has the TEL Imaginarium team got to say?

The players are quirky, funny, imaginative and come in a myriad of personalities! What a great way to showcase immersive tech to the community! We’d like to do more of these as many of the participants truly enjoyed their time here and wished for us to organize more of such events.








Thank you to the teams for putting up with some of our technical issues as it is our first time ever hosting such an event and designing the whole storyline and concept and apps to support this game. We felt a range of emotions as we watched all the teams going through the clues and we are glad to say we are more than willing to go through all of it again!

See y’all around at the library and TEL Imaginarium again!

Is TEL Imaginarium going to hold any more such games or competitions?

A word cloud of what attracted participants to the game.











We have started on a new storyline and are actively amassing ideas for the puzzle enthusiast!

If you haven’t heard, we do have regular daily lunch tours for you to drop in and explore the different devices. Let’s hear it from you.

What would you like to see from TEL Imaginarium?

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How to collect the prizes

Prize winners, please refer to your emails for instructions. Congratulations prize winners, and thank you all participants for making this game event a success!


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