Ever heard of the Malay term, ‘gotong royong’? ‘Gotong royong’ means “communal helping of one another” and promotes the selfless spirit of volunteerism, working together for the benefit of everyone in the community or kampung. and that is exactly what NUS Libraries will be doing at the Kampung that is the South Central Community (SCC) Family Service Centre.
The South Central Community Family Service Centre (SCC) provides support to the low-income and vulnerable families in our community, encouraging community self-help and cooperation. No one is an island and it is only by working together that we can make the world a better place.
On 9 September 2017, we will be sharing some skills in baking, beautifying the gardens and creating an inventory system (which is what we librarians are very good at) to create a long-lasting impact in the families’ lives.
We will also be providing real-time coverage of our activities that day, so keep an eye on our Facebook page this Saturday!