To promote the growing interest in research on Chinese popular religions of the NUS community, an exhibition showcasing over 180 publications on Chinese temples in Southeast Asia was put up in the Chinese Library. This was also to raise awareness on the primary resources and research works on Chinese temples kept in the Chinese Library.
In conjunction with this exhibition, 8 sketch paintings on Chinese temples and shrines in Singapore by Dr Ho Chee Lick, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Chinese Studies cum local artist, is displayed next to the book exhibition. The paintings included temples and shrines of Buddhism, Taoism, popular religion, and sectarian religions from antiquity to contemporary times. They are selected from over 300 sketch paintings that Dr Ho made in 2012 and 2013.
We cordially invite you to visit the exhibitions at the Chinese Library Exhibition Area at Level 6!
1. 庙宇@东南亚资料展
2. 新加坡华人庙宇素描展
本展览所展示之八幅素描作品,由本地画家暨本系高级讲师何自力博士于 2012年至2013年间绘制。各幅作品各具特色,涵盖本地佛教、道教、一贯道及民间宗教信仰的庙宇。各幅作品皆注明庙宇中英文名称、路名/街名及创作日期等简要信息。