Scaling Musical Highs

By Lynette Lim


Paul Abishegenaden (1914 – 2011) was a pivotal figure in Singapore’s musical landscape, celebrated for his significant contributions to Western classical music.

In his book Notes Across the Years: Anecdotes from a Musical Life, he gave a first-person narrative of the early years of musical development in Singapore. He described music making in the community, during and after the Japanese occupation and his contributions to music in Singapore. This and the subsequent titles referred to below can be found in the NUS Libraries. 

Before music was offered as a degree programme by the Yong Siew Toh Conservatory of Music (YSTCM) in 2003, the idea was mooted in 1972 when the Callaway-Casilag Report on the Development of Music in the University of Singapore recommended a three-year degree course at the university (NUS Centre for the Arts, 2018). Then Vice-Chancellor Dr Toh Chin Chye believed that progress in the arts should be in tandem with the other aspects of university life (Abisheganaden, 2005).  

Abisheganaden wrote that the music degree course was introduced within the Faculty of Arts and the music department was located at No. 5 Dalvey Estate. It was headed by Dr Edward Ho, and other music ensembles were also formed (NUS Centre for the Arts, 2018). Unfortunately, the Department faced closure in 1978 as enrolment “fell drastically the following year and in the succeeding years” (Abisheganaden, 2005) due to newer and more promising programmes being offered in other faculties. 

Abisheganaden was appointed as Director of the new Centre for Musical Activities (CMA) on 1 January 1979 to set up activities in music and dance. Then Vice-Chancellor Dr Kwan Sai Keong, who succeeded Dr Toh Chin Chye when the latter retired, felt that although music was not offered as a subject, musical activities should be encouraged, and he invited Abisheganaden to fill the position (Abisheganaden, 2005). 

The Centre for the Arts (CFA) was established in 1993 to bring existing cultural groups on campus such as the Centre for Musical Activities, Campus Concerts, NUS Theatre, NUS Dance Ensemble and the Forum for Creative Arts and Literature under one central coordinating body (Lee & Tan, 1996). Its role was to give greater focus to cultural and artistic activities on campus and to provide these arts groups platforms for performance. Then Vice Chancellor Professor Lim Pin recognised that the arts nurtured not just technically skilled but produced well-cultivated students as well (NUS Centre for the Arts, 2018). 

Today, undergraduates at the National University of Singapore (NUS) have more opportunities to pursue their artistic talents through different learning experiences. Students may develop their skills and passion in various arts-related activities and gain academic recognition as part of their undergraduate studies. Developed by the NUS Office of Student Affairs, these are new initiatives under the all-encompassing ‘Arts For All’ (AFA) framework which aims to augment the University’s efforts in enhancing interdisciplinary learning through greater participation in the arts (“Arts for All” n.pag.).  

Students who wish to master their artistic abilities under a structured academic programme can take credit-bearing courses in the various performing arts groups that bridges with other disciplines. In addition, the rich online and print music collection in the Music Library offers a wealth of resources that support them in their journey. These library materials are also an invaluable source of information for students who pursue academic research in music.

Unlike the Department of Music which was set up in 1972 and had to be shut down due to falling enrolment, YSTCM has 800 alumni to date who are trailblazers within and beyond the arts industry, renowned locally and overseas as distinguished performers, composers, producers, educators, entrepreneurs and leaders (“YST Alumni” n.pag.). The vision of a conservatory within a university by then Deputy Prime Minister, Dr Tony Tan (“Timeline” n.pag.), is realised and has come a long way since welcoming the inaugural class of students in 2003. 



Abisheganaden, P. (2005). Notes Across the Years: Anecdotes from a Musical Life. Unipress. 

Lee, E., & Tan, T. Y. (1996). Beyond Degrees: The Making of the National University of Singapore. Singapore University Press. 

National University of Singapore. Centre for the Arts. (2018). On the Shoulders of Dreamers: Celebrating 25 Years of the Arts on Campus. 

New ‘Arts for All’ framework at NUS to enhance integration of arts into students’ learning experiences. (n.d.). Retrieved January 27, 2025, from 

YST Alumni: A close-knit community with global reach. (n.d.). Retrieved January 27, 2025, from

Timeline  (n.d.). Retrieved March 19, 2025, from

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