FASS Welcome Day 2023

By Nur Diyana


Our Humanities and Arts and Social Sciences (HASS) research librarians, together with Law research librarians participated in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (FASS) and College of Humanities and Sciences (CHS) Welcome Day 2023 on 11 July. We not only interacted with incoming FASS freshmen but also exchange students from various programmes offered by FASS and prospective students who were keen on joining too. Both undergraduates and graduate students dropped by our booth to learn more about what we have to offer and some of us were thrown right into our element as we provided impromptu consultations and imparted information literacy skills off the bat to the enthusiastic students who were keen on sharing their potential research areas.

Our research librarians interacting with the students and sharing our resources and information literacy skills.

We were also excited to feature the debut of ByteBot, an interactive station for a game devised to introduce our suite of facilities, spaces, programmes, and platforms that would aid both staff and students in learning and research. Thank you Radzi, the Victor to our Frankenstein bot!

ByteBot says hello!

While we were having fun playing games and imparting skills to our students at our booth, a group of research librarians conducted half-hourly tours at the Central Library to show the students around and highlight our spaces such as the Tech Central and Singapore-Malaysia Collection, within which is our ASEAN Corner. The tour participants were delighted to see the newly-renovated Central Library which offers various spaces for collaborations and discussions, on top of the different tech available.

To find out more about our spaces, please head on to our library website and click on the Spaces tab. To know more about how we support teaching, learning, and research, please click on the Services & Help tab.

We had so much fun interacting with the students and would like to thank the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences and the College of Humanities and Sciences for having us be part of this Welcome Day. We look forward to seeing and working with all the students (both new and current!) in the new semester!

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