ReadNUS Issue 27

MAY 2021 | ISSUE 27
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Here’s Your Reading Summary

A morally right thing to do, or simply plain disruptive? With the discussion on women’s rights, climate action and social and economic equality gaining ground in Singapore, we thought this would be an apt time to explore the theme of advocacy and activism, particularly within Asia.

And before we forget, congratulations on yet another successful semester. No more tears, no more burnt midnight oils. Enjoy your semester break, and use this time to catch up on your reading 🙂

This Week’s Reads:
Advocacy & Activism

Clicking on the title or book image will link you to the full text.

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This essay gives an account of the ongoing Anti-Extradition Bill movement from its outbreak till the end of 2019, and its manifold implications for local and global politics. It highlights the young protesters’ political agency in harnessing a range of local, diasporic and international resources to steer this leaderless movement.

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This article examines the use of human rights discourse in the struggle for democratic transformation between 1988 and 2011 in Myanmar. The struggle for change and the use of this discourse was instrumental in building up international pressure against military rule in Myanmar.

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At the 2020 World Economic Forum, Davos, Switzerland, Swedish teenager and climate change activist Greta Thunberg called for urgent action. She said, “Planting trees is good, of course, but it’s nowhere near enough of what is needed and it cannot replace real mitigation and rewilding nature.”

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Contributors investigate how national feminisms are influenced by transnational factors, such as women’s movements in other countries, colonialism and international agencies. Each chapter considers the contributions of Asian feminists and what needs to be addressed in the future.
Literary Journal
We’re launching our very own Literary Journal! Each month, we’ll publish a few articles discussing the trendiest authors, books and reading news. Simply put, Lirra’s Literary Journal is your go-to publication for all things reading.

Ancient Stories Retold

Eldrick reviews the messiness and metaphilosophy of Hegel – In our Literary Journal, Eldrick reviews the works of German Philosopher Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel. He writes: “Being a philosopher with a bestriding focus on movement and an almost antagonistic drive towards stasis, it is evident that Hegel would allow his thoughts to run astray and lead them as far as they can, without restraint. Evidently, this also means that as readers, we are led farther astray into a realm of the indecipherable or unknowable.” Are the works of Hegel merely messy unknowns, or are they the work of a genius? Read more about Eldrick’s thoughts on this key figure of German Idealism via our website.🤓

Orientalism's Interlocutors

We’re eager to hear from you for our Literary JournalOver the past few months, we’ve engaged many of our ReadNUS members to contribute articles about the books they’ve read, cafes they’ve visited, and literary analysis they’re inspired by. Now, as we approach our first anniversary of the journal, we’d like to invite you, our fellow readers, to share stories of your own! Simply submit an 800 to 1200 word article on the following areas and your article could be published in our journal. For more details, visit our submissions page here.

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Email any suggestions for future books or your book reviews to ReadNUS.
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