We recently had our annual book sale in conjunction with our E-Resource Discovery Day 2011. This year, everything seemed bigger and better. Having a longer collection period of about 3 months allowed us to obtain a larger variety of books to put out on sale. This in turn allowed us to collect an even larger sum of money surpassing our target. For the first time, we also had a garage sale to raise more funds, and the items were donated by the staff of NUS libraries.
From mid-May onwards, we placed posters about the events around campus as well as blue and white book collection boxes near the entrance of all the libraries. While initially our collection was a bit slow, there were some enthusiastic donors who gave us boxes of books. Special thanks goes out to UBS for donating several boxes of new books and audio visual materials.
Pricing and sorting the large amount of books and donated items was definitely an interesting experience and we even stumbled upon treasured finds! Here are some awesome vintage books:
The days of the sale was hectic but fun. Many students and staff exclaimed their surprise at finding such good books at unbelievably low prices. Over at the garage sale, the first item – a vintage toy accordion – was sold almost as soon as the stall was set up. The second day of the sale drew an even larger crowd, for both book and garage sale. We also put out National Geographic and Readers’ Digest magazines that went for 5 for $1! There were many who snapped up boxes of books as it was a good deal. They confided that they would buy the books now and read later!
Previously we had collected over $6,000 for our cause. This year our total collection for both the book and garage sale is $11,000.30! This would not have been possible without your support! All proceeds go to the Annual NUS Giving Bursary Fund to help the needy students in NUS. So, it was all for a very worthy cause! Thank you so much for all the donated books and for supporting our 2 days of sales!
Umarani Jayapal and Georgiana Glass
Central Library