Mix cheerleaders, a rock band, some Latin dancers; throw in lots of talks and information booths and what do you get? Our very first E-Resource Discovery Day!
The 9 September event sought to introduce students to our many e-resources and how they can use them to their advantage. To this end, e-resource vendors were invited to set up information booths at the forum as well as give talks on some of the e-resources NUS Libraries subscribes to. Close to 600 students and staff came by the forum that day, part of whom interacted freely with the vendors, asking questions and look at demos of features and new products.
To attract more people, there were also games, lucky draws, goodie bags, free Gelato giveaways from Haato, Milo as well as great performances from Alpha Verve, our very own NUS Cheerleaders, Sheares Hall Band as well as our library dancers!
At Central Library Theatrettes 1 and 2, talks were conducted by our e-resource providers throughout the day. Some of the e-resources highlighted were: Business Source Premier, Scopus, Web of Science, Endnote Desktop, Engineering Village 2, Proquest Dissertations & Theses, SciFinder Scholar and LexisNexis Academic. Each talk focused on their respective scope, coverage, and strengths of the various e-resources. The talks were generally well-received by the audience.
Though this was our first attempt at an event of this nature and magnitude, we believe that students and users benefitted from being able to interact directly with vendors and library staff, asking questions about library resources and how they can utilize these resources for their research and information needs.
With more and more e-resources available to NUS users, the committee looks forward to improving upon this event next year and reaching more users!
To view pictures, go to: http://www.flickr.com/photos/mjmyap/sets/72157607208527440/