Have you ever experience stress and fear in public speaking? Public speaking is a learnable skill and as the result of preparation and practice, and courage, you have the potential of becoming one of the most persuasive and influential speaker in your field.
I feel that presentation/public speaking skill is essential to deliver the message/information clearly, concisely and confidently. And…the magic of voice is surely a powerful instrument to verbalise our thoughts and essential tool of communicating well.
Here are some points that I’ve learnt from a recently attended communication course entitled Vocal Charisma:
1) Your voice is a vocal instrument, most important tool that can be trained to be powerful, reach higher level of quality, resonance, modulation and projection.
2) All powerful speakers speak slowly, enunciate clearly & crisply and express themselves with confidence. A human voice is like a muscle and can be made stronger and powerful with exercises like breathing, voice toning, stretching and mental exercises (visualisation & positive self talk).
3) Discipline, consistent practice of using our voice and vocal exercises are important to achieve a crisp, clear and powerful voice.
4) Visual impact dominates communication where the impact of the message is made up of 55%- visual, 38%-vocal and only 7% is verbal.
5) The ABCs of communication is A=Attitude, B=Body Language and C=Confidence. Communicating effectively is indeed a wonderful journey of self-growth, exploration and exciting possibilities. So speak up clearly and be understood and… also use your powerful vocal instrument to communicate crisply and effectively. At least I know I will make a conscious effort to do so! Hope you will too!
Modernlibrarian, thank you for sharing your experience with the course! It’s a good summary of what you’ve learnt.
I think this must be one of the first public sharing of OHR’s in-house courses. =)
Hi dear Kenneth,
Thank you for your comment. I always feel that the more we share, the more we actually learn/gain. Anyway, life is a ever-learning process…
Have a great day!
Modern Librarian- who is passionate about learning and information sharing.
I think my voice is slightly permanently damaged already after losing it more than a month ago. No vocal charisma from me for sure!
Dear Maggie,
Take care of your vocal instrument by resting, drinking more water and honey to soothe your throat.
Thanks for your comment and have a great weekend!
Modern Librarian
Love this piece of blog, particularly the ABCs of communication. I had observed that speakers with a good combination of ABCs usually have no problem garnering buy-ins / endorsement by the audience. Thank you for sharing!