
My recent publications can be found here. Below are the selected publications:

  1. Li, D.*, Lu X., Walling, D., Zhang, T., Steiner J. K., Wasson, R. J., Harrison S., Nepal S., Nie, Y., Immerzeel, W. W., Shugar, D., Koppes, M., Lane, S., … & Bolch, T. (2022). High Mountain Asia hydropower systems threatened by climate-driven landscape instability. Nature Geoscience, 15, 520-530
  2. Li, D.*, Lu, X.*, Overeem, I., Walling, D., Syvitski J., Kettner, A. J., Bookhagen B., Zhou, Y., & Zhang, T. (2021). Exceptional increases in fluvial sediment fluxes in a warmer and wetter High Mountain Asia. Science, 374(6567), 599-603.
  3. Li, D.*, Overeem, I., Kettner, A. J., Zhou, Y., & Lu, X.* (2021). Air temperature regulates erodible landscape, water and sediment fluxes in the permafrost‐dominated catchment on the Tibetan Plateau. Water Resources Research, 57 (02), e2020WR028193.
  4. Li, D., Li, Z., Zhou, Y., & Lu, X.* (2020). Substantial increases in the water and sediment fluxes in the headwater region of the Tibetan Plateau in response to global warming. Geophysical Research Letters47(11), e2020GL087745.
  5. Li, D., Lu, X.*, Chen, L.*, & Wasson, R. J. (2019). Downstream geomorphic impact of the Three Gorges Dam: with special reference to the channel bars in the Middle Yangtze River. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms. 44(13): 2660-2670.
  6. Li, D.* and Zhang, T. (2023). Fluvial sediment load sensitivity to climate change in cold basins on the Tibetan Plateau: An elasticity approach and the spatial scale effect. Geomorphology, 440: 108887.
  7. Li, D., Lu, X.*, Yang, X., Chen, L. and Lin, L. (2018). Sediment load responses to climate variation and cascade reservoirs in the Yangtze River: A case study of the Jinsha River. Geomorphology, 322: 41-52.
  8. Zhang, T., Li, D.*, East, A., Kettner, A., Best, J., Ni, J., Lu, X. (2023). Shifted sediment transport regimes by climate change and amplified hydrological variability in cryosphere-fed rivers. Science Advances, 9(45), eadi5019.
  9. Zhang, T., Li, D.*, East, A., Walling, D., Lane, S., Overeem, I., Beylich, A., Koppes, M, Lu, X. (2022). Warming-driven erosion and sediment transport in cold regions. Nature Reviews Earth & Environment, 3, 832–851. (PDF)
  10. Zhang, T., Li, D.*, & Lu, X. (2022), Response of runoff components to climate change in the source-region of the Yellow River on the Tibetan Plateau. Hydrological Processes. 36(6), e14633.
  11. Zhang, T.*, Li, D.*, Kettner, A. J., Zhou, Y., & Lu, X. (2021). Constraining Dynamic Sediment‐Discharge Relationships in Cold Environments: the Sediment-Availability-Transport (SAT) Model. Water Resources Research, e2021WR030690.
  12. Zhou, Y., Li, D.*, Lu, J., Yao, S., Yan, X., Jin, Z., … & Lu, X. X. (2020). Distinguishing the multiple controls on the decreased sediment flux in the Jialing River basin of the Yangtze River, Southwestern China. Catena193, 104593.
  13. Yang, X., Sun, Z., Li, Y.*, Deng, J., Xiong, H., & Li, D.* (2022). Mechanisms of bar adjustments in the Jingjiang Reach of the Yangtze River in response to the operation of the Three Gorges Dam. Journal of Hydrology, 128802.
  14. Hu, Y., Li, D., Deng, J.*, Yue, Y., Zhou, J., Chai, Y., & Li, Y. (2022). Mechanisms controlling water-level variations in the Middle Yangtze River following the operation of the Three Gorges Dam. Water Resources Research, 58, e2022WR032338.
  15. Xu, R., Zeng, Z.*, Pan, M. et al (including Li, D.) (2023). A global-scale framework for hydropower development incorporating strict environmental constraints. Nature Water, 1, 113–122
  16. Yang, X.*, Xiong, H., Li, D., Li, Y., & Hu, Y. (2023). Disproportional erosion of the Middle-lower Yangtze River following the operation of the Three Gorges Dam. Science of The Total Environment, 160264.
  17. Lou, Y., Dai, Z.*, Lu, X., & Li, D. (2022). Anthropogenic pressures induced hydromorphodynamic changes of riverine islands in the Upper Jingjiang reach along the Changjiang (Yangtze) River. Catena, 217, 106488.
  18. East, A. E.*, Warrick, J.A., Li, D., Sankey, J.B., Coe, J.A., & Barnard, P.L. (2022). Measuring and attributing sedimentary and geomorphic responses to modern climate change: challenges and opportunities. Earth’s Future, 10, e2022EF002983.
  19. Lu, X.*, Zhang, T.*, Hsia, B. L., Li, D., Fair, H., Chua, S., … & Li, S. (2022). Proglacial river sediment fluxes in the south-eastern Tibetan Plateau: Ming Yong Glacier in the Upper Mekong River. Hydrological Processes. e14751.
  20. Li, H., Shan, B., Liu, L.*, Wang, L., Koppa, A., Zhong, F., Li, D., Wang, X., Liu, W., Li, X., and Xu, Z. (2022). Significant regime shifts in historical water yield in the Upper Brahmaputra River basin, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 26, 6399–6412.
  21. DENUCHANGE, a Working Group of the International Association of Geomorphologists (including Li, D.) (2022). Denudation and geomorphic change in the Anthropocene; a global overview. Earth-Sci. Rev., 104186.
  22. Emmer, A.*, Allen, S. K., Carey, M., Frey, H., Huggel, C., Korup, O., Mergili, M., Sattar, A., Veh, G., Chen, T. Y., Cook, S. J., Correas-Gonzalez, M., Das, S., Diaz Moreno, A., Drenkhan, F., Fischer, M., Immerzeel, W. W., Izagirre, E., Joshi, R. C., Kougkoulos, I., Kuyakanon Knapp, R., Li, D., … & Yde, J. C. (2022). Progress and challenges in glacial lake outburst flood research (2017–2021): a research community perspective, Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 22, 3041–3061.