Chinese Geomorphology Club

You are welcome to follow the “Chinese Geomorphology Club for Early-career Scientists” (水沙科学与地貌学) on Wechat. Similar to the Gilbert Club, the “Chinese Geomorphology Club for Early-career Scientists” has no formal affiliation with any organization. We provide a platform for everyone who wants to share their latest research publications and job opportunities in the field of Geomorphology. If you are willing to join the steering committee or share something, please drop an email to

Update on 2021.08.29: we now have 300+ subscribers on WeChat. We have published over 20 job positions of PhD, postdoc, and assistant professors. We also published 5 press releases on newly published papers in top journals.

Update on 2021.10.29: we now have 500+ subscribers on WeChat, mostly are postgraduate students and postdocs.

Update on 2021. 11.6: we now have 550+ subscribers on WeChat. We published a new press release on a paper recently published in the journal of Geomorphology. Thanks Jun Xie (a PhD student at the University of Hull) for sharing his new paper.

Update on 2022. 1.18: we now have 750+ subscribers on WeChat. We published two new press releases for two papers recently published in Communications Earth & Environment and Landslides. Thanks Professor Baosheng Wu (Tsinghua University) and Hang Wu (a PhD student at the University of Leeds) for sharing their new papers.;

Update on 2022. 4.26: we now have 950+ subscribers on WeChat. We published two new press releases for two papers recently published in Geophysical Research Letters and Nature Reviews Earth & Environment. Thanks Dong Chen (Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research) and Jaia Syvitski (CU, Boulder) for sharing their new papers.;

Update on 2022. 5.30: we now have 1050+ subscribers on WeChat. We published two new press releases for two papers recently published in Science Advances and Geomorphology. Thanks Kieran Dunne (Lamb Surface Processes Group, California Institute of Technology) and Shuyang Xu (University of Nottingham Ningbo China) for sharing their new papers. ;

Update on 2022. 07.24: we now have 1150+ subscribers on WeChat. We published a new press release for a recently published paper in PNAS. Thanks Chenge An (State Key Laboratory of Hydroscience and Engineering, Tsinghua University) for sharing his new paper.

Update on 2022. 10.07: we now have 1400+ subscribers on WeChat. We published two news on river geometry datasets and climate change impacts on geomorphic systems. Thanks Chao Qin  (State Key Laboratory of Hydroscience and Engineering, Tsinghua University) and Amy East (USGS) for sharing their new papers;

Update on 2023. 09.01: we now have 1700+ subscribers on WeChat. We published a few news on river migration, AGU/EGU abstract calls and the Yellow River formation. Thanks Niannian Fan  (Sichuan University) and Yuan Li (University of Virginia) for sharing their new papers ;

Update on 2024. 05.03: we now have 2700+ subscribers on WeChat. We have kept running the platform, and look forward to more contributions from the community including new paper sharing, job alerts, conferences, collaboration opportunities, etc.