People and hiring

We are now hiring 1-2 highly motivated postdocs to work on 1) large-scale river water/sediment/carbon fluxes and channel change; 2) cryosphere change and hydropower. Please email me for details ( or Postdoc advertising:

2023-present, Mentor, Peking University.


National University of Singapore:

05/2021 –12/2022, Co-Mentor, NUS Geography, Xiaofei Sun, Yong Hu, Zheyu Xie, Yaying Lou, Ting Zhang

08/2020 – 07/2021 Mentor, NUS Geography, Mentored a GIS master student (Shujin Wang) with the thesis entitled “Environmental Controls on Sediment dynamics in the Headwaters of High Asia”

08/2019 – 07/2020 Mentor, NUS Geography, Mentored a GIS master student (Mushu Zhao) with the thesis entitled “Estimating soil erosion in the Tibetan Plateau using RUSLE model”

08/2018 – 07/2019 Mentor, NUS Geography, Mentored a GIS master student (Jianyu Wang) with the thesis entitled “Changes in equilibrium line altitudes of glaciers in High Mountain Asia”