I am an assistant professor at the College of Environmental Sciences and Engineering, Peking University. I am leading the Cryosphere and River Lab at PKU. I am broadly interested in climate change, glaciers, permafrost, rivers, sediment transport, and hydropower dams. My current research focuses on erosion and sediment transport processes within the Earth’s cold environments, specifically driven by atmospheric, cryospheric, and hydrologic processes using (1) remote sensing data and techniques; (2) field measurements; (3) time series and data analyses; and (4) numerical modeling approaches. Before joining Peking University, I was a Research Fellow in the Department of Geography, National University of Singapore (NUS).
During my Ph.D., I for the first time assessed the impacts of modern climate change on landscape instability and fluvial sediment fluxes and their implications for hydropower systems in High Mountain Asia, for which I was awarded the IPCC Scholarship Award for early-career scientists, the NUS President’s Graduate Fellowship, and the Wang Gungwu Medal and Prize (the best PhD thesis in natural sciences in NUS). I have published lead-author articles in top journals including Science, Science Advances, Nature Geoscience, Geophysical Research Letters, Water Resources Research, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, and Geomorphology.
I serve as the associate editor of the JGR: Earth Surface, the Hydrological Processes, guest editors of Geomorphology and ESPL, co-founder of the Chinese Geomorphology Club for early-career scientists, and a core member of the DENUCHANGE working group under the International Association of Geomorphologists.
Some outreach activities about my research can be found in AGU EPSP Section; Scientific American; The Straits Times; The Times of India; National University of Singapore; AAAS EurekAlert!; Eco-Business; Science Daily; Phys.org; AZO CLEANTECH; University of Potsdam; University of Colorado at Boulder; DENUCHANGE.
You may want to follow my Google Scholar, Researchgate, or Twitter. You can reach me at the email dongfeng.li@pku.edu.cn
Dongfeng acknowledges the financial support from the Excellent Young Scientists Fund of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, Singapore MOE, the IPCC Scholarship Award for early-career scientists, the Cuomo Foundation, and NUS President’s Graduate Fellowship.