A hello from Team Mabuti’s HNU students

Hi everyone! The two Holy Name University (HNU) students attached to Team Mabuti – Josef and Ivan – have the following to say of the course so far.

“Team Mabuti is really mabuti. In our group, we did a lot of teamwork on all the activities that we did especially on the forest surveys. Even if we have different cultures they always make us in, they talk about their stuffs and a lot of things. Also we don’t let them feel like they’re being out of place because we all exchange a lot of information’s on everything and they don’t let us feel like we are out of place also. They are friendly, jolly and funny. All of them are really hardworking and they are really awesome to be with.

We are doing great!!!!! Keep up the good work Team Mabuti!!!!

By: Josef and Ivan (expert on birds and trees)”

We are really glad to have the both of them (and of course the other eight HNU students) with us for this field course. They have helped us a lot, especially in the forest vegetation surveys conducted over the past few days. Not only were they familiar with the survey methods and the local flora and fauna, very importantly, they also looked out for our safety by pointing out venomous organisms in the forest. The following picture shows our group posing with various equipment that we have been using to conduct the surveys.


– Team Mabuti