Turnitin access restored

Turnitin is now accessible to instructors and students via single sign-on.

Turnitin IVLE Workbin integration has also been restored.

IVLE Workbin Integration Issues

If you have issues with the Turnitin IVLE Workbin Integration, please contact Mr Kenneth PINTO.

Account Issues

If your Turnitin account has issues – missing classes, assignments or papers – please contact Turnitin.

While you are logged in to Turnitin, click Help on the top right, then click the Create a Ticket button.

On the form:

  • Email – your NUSNET email address (not your friendly-mail alias).
  • Case Category – Other.
  • Case Subcategory – Other.
  • Class ID
    • If you are an instructor and you know the Class ID, fill in the number.
    • For all other cases, fill in a random number e.g. 000000. You cannot leave this field blank.
  • Paper ID
    • If you are an instructor and you know the Class ID, fill in the number.
    • For all other cases, fill in a random number e.g. 000000. You cannot leave this field blank.
  • Learning Management System – leave blank.

If the front-line support staff is not aware of the situation, please refer him or her to Case #00410827 – 18447 National University of Singapore.


Once again, the Centre for Instructional Technology apologises for this incident.

We are working with Turnitin to ensure that this issue does not happen again.

Various streaming services affected by load balance migration on Sat 18 Apr from 0300 hrs to 0700 hrs

The following streaming services will be disrupted on Saturday 18 April from 0300 hrs to 0700 hrs (4hours) due to load balance migration:

  • IVLE Multimedia streaming
  • Webcast lecture streaming
  • NUScast streaming
  • Camtasia Relay streaming

We apologize for any inconvenience caused. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

Turnitin Account Issues

UPDATE – Wed 15 April, 1140 hrs

Turnitin access has been restored.

UPDATE – Tue 14 April, 1000 hrs

CIT is testing the logins after Turnitin resolved the user account issues. We have asked a small pool of users to verify that they can log in and that their work is intact.

We advise users not to log in yet.

IVLE integration is still disabled.

UPDATE – Fri 10 April, 1600 hrs

Unfortunately, the resolution of the student accounts issue is taking longer than expected due to complications which are exacerbated by the time zone difference between Singapore and UK (where our Turnitin support is based). We do not expect access to be restored this weekend.

UPDATE – Wed 8 April, 1800 hrs

Turnitin has rectified the issue for the majority of staff. However, we cannot reopen access to Turnitin until the student accounts have been rectified. This may take two days at minimum.

Once again, we advise staff who require Turnitin submissions from students this week to extend the assignment deadlines to some time next week.

UPDATE – Tue 7 April, 1550 hrs

We have disabled all access to Turnitin (direct, quick submit and IVLE) as at 1400 hrs today as it is impacting the troubleshooting and resolution process.

We ask for your patience and understanding.


Dear NUS Turnitin users,

There has been a major issue with Turnitin that has resulted in errors in most user accounts.

Rest assured that your classes, assignments and papers in Turnitin are intact.

Staff Users (Instructors)

On logging in, you may see that your Turnitin account is empty. This is because Turnitin creates a new account, yourusername@u.nus.edu, linked to your NUSNET ID.

  1. This only affects Turnitin.
  2. Your classes, assignments and students papers are still intact in your original account, which is temporarily inaccessible.
  3. Instructors with submission deadlines this week may want to consider extending the deadline to the end of this week, at earliest.
  4. Please do not recreate your assignments and ask students to resubmit.

Student Users

On logging in, you may see that your Turnitin account is empty. This is because Turnitin creates a new account, yourusername@nus.edu.sg, linked to your NUSNET ID.

  1. This only affects Turnitin.
  2. Your papers are still intact in your original account, which is temporarily inaccessible.

Do not attempt to re-enrol in your class.

IVLE Workbin Submission Users

If you use the IVLE Workbin Turnitin integration, you may see that your papers are visible but cannot be accessed, displaying an unknown error message.

This is because the issue affecting the accounts breaks the link between the display of your report and the actual reports. Once the issue with the accounts is resolved you should be able to access the report(s) again.

All Users

We know that these issues have caused massive disruption to your work.

CIT is working with Turnitin to resolve these issues as soon as possible.

In the mean time, we ask for your patience and understanding.

We deeply apologise for this lapse in service.

Centre for Instructional Technology

Turnitin unavailable from Sat 07 Mar, 2300 hrs to Sun 08 Mar, 0300 hrs

Turnitin service may be unavailable during a scheduled maintenance period from Saturday 07 March, 2300 hrs to Sunday 08 March, 0300 hrs (4 hours).

An announcement will appear for users within Turnitin in advance of when the system will be unavailable for this scheduled maintenance.

Instructors are encouraged to modify assignment due dates either before or at least several hours after the scheduled maintenance window.

Original announcement here (in US Pacific Time).