Turnitin access restored

Turnitin is now accessible to instructors and students via single sign-on.

Turnitin IVLE Workbin integration has also been restored.

IVLE Workbin Integration Issues

If you have issues with the Turnitin IVLE Workbin Integration, please contact Mr Kenneth PINTO.

Account Issues

If your Turnitin account has issues – missing classes, assignments or papers – please contact Turnitin.

While you are logged in to Turnitin, click Help on the top right, then click the Create a Ticket button.

On the form:

  • Email – your NUSNET email address (not your friendly-mail alias).
  • Case Category – Other.
  • Case Subcategory – Other.
  • Class ID
    • If you are an instructor and you know the Class ID, fill in the number.
    • For all other cases, fill in a random number e.g. 000000. You cannot leave this field blank.
  • Paper ID
    • If you are an instructor and you know the Class ID, fill in the number.
    • For all other cases, fill in a random number e.g. 000000. You cannot leave this field blank.
  • Learning Management System – leave blank.

If the front-line support staff is not aware of the situation, please refer him or her to Case #00410827 – 18447 National University of Singapore.


Once again, the Centre for Instructional Technology apologises for this incident.

We are working with Turnitin to ensure that this issue does not happen again.