LumiNUS recipes – A showcase of good practices

LumiNUS recipes that showcase how other colleagues have been using  technology tools to enhance teaching and e-learning will be featured in this site. In particular the use of LumiNUS, the  learning management system (LMS) designed to facilitate and support teaching and learning at NUS. It is NUS’s self-developed one-stop e-learning portal.

Have you ever wondered what your colleagues do in their LumiNUS modules? Ever thought of how you can optimise LumiNUS’s potential to enhance your teaching? Or you have tried using LumiNUS before but was dissatisfied with the outcome?

New posts would be added that will help you discover practical ways that LumiNUS can be employed to enhance your students’ learning experience. I look forward to new ideas, comments and suggestion from you to make this learning experience more effective.