(E-SEAL) Environmental Sustainability and Economics Analytical Lab

Bioeconomic modeling for a sustainable future

Tag: Presentation

Global Land Project Meeting

Roman, Yuchen, and Will traveled to Beijing to attend and present at the Global Land Project third Open Science Meeting (GLP 3rd OSM 2016).  The meeting took place from October 24 to October 27 at the China National Convention Center in Beijing. Here are a few photos:



Will presenting



Yuchen presenting



Roman presenting



Group photo

SCB Asia Conference 2014 Malacca

malacca scb

DBS Research Talks 2014

lab talks 2014

Best Oral Presentation

On 21st Nov 2013, Sarah represented the lab at the 3rd DBS Research Lab Talks and won the Best Oral Presentation Award. Great job Sarah!

research lab talk

Honors students at poster presentation

Congrats to Dawn, Yi Hui, Suk Teng and Don on their fantastic presentations!


EME Lab at ATBC Asia-Pacific Chapter at Banda Aceh

3 EME Lab members presented at the Meeting: Roman with “Loss of ecosystem services through deforestation and trade-offs with agriculture”, Yi Hui with “Spatial correlates of human-tiger conflict in Hunchun, China”, and Dawn with “Effects of overgrazing and climate change on grassland sustainability in Chang Tang, Tibetan plateau, China”.


Dawn and Yi Hui presenting at the meeting

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